Chapter 7

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It's hard being unbiased when you are a last minute scorer in one of your best friends footy games

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It's hard being unbiased when you are a last minute scorer in one of your best friends footy games. But that is what I am trying to do. The person who was meant to do the scoring for Carter's game at last minute couldn't make it, I didn't know the specifics but the smart arse thought it would be a good idea if I could step in. Did he forget that I get really passionate at his games? I mean I have been following his team since he started playing in the under 11's.

I made it through the game holding my tongue, although by half time I wanted to go up to the boys and smack some sense into them. We were down by 45 points; we still had another half to go but still. We needed to pick up or we were going to lose this game too.

During the break I got a text from Bre asking if I could come by and be a model for one of her designs for an assignment she needed photos for. Being the person that I am I told her I would be there after the game.

"Don't you go cheating and adding points to Carter's team in the next half now." I look up and see Issac and Nate. Issac stuffing his face with a Four'N'Twenty pie.

"Hey he was the one who volunteered my services without asking me about it first. And the only thing I want to do right now is smack each and everyone of them up the head and tell coach to so something. With the amount of points we have kicked we should be killing them right now." I exclaim, running out of breath at the end.

"Calm down Anna, Nate is only joking. But why would Carter get you to do this when you get so passionate about the game?" Issac asked, taking the last bite of his pie.

"They needed someone and I was there." I shrugged as the siren for third quarter started.

"Hey Anna, can I borrow you tomorrow? Got some painting I need done and the rest of the crew can't help and the boss loves you." Issac asked.

I sighed; I really didn't want to, I was planning on having a me day. Painting my nails, watching some movies I have been meaning to watch, maybe even ticking off a few more of my list of things to do for the café.

Looking up I smiled though I could tell it didn't quite reach my eyes. "Sure let me know the place and the time and I will come help you." Nate gave me a look but I waved him off. My friends needed help, so of course I was going to do everything I can to help them.


"Breeeee." I whined. When she said she needed me to model some of her designs for a few photos, I thought she meant I stand in whatever design she wanted and we use her phone to take some pictures in front of one of the plain walls in her house. I was wrong, boy was I wrong.

"It's just a bit of pampering quit your whining." She states, pulling at my hair again.

I wouldn't normally be apposed to getting my hair and make up done, and I understand you need to put maximum effort into uni assignments, but for the looks she has created I feel like this is over kill.

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