Final Authors Note

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Hey all you lovely readers.
As I said in the authors note at the bottom of chapter 9, I lost inspiration for this story so chapter 10 was the last chapter.
I hope you all enjoyed it and would really love any feedback that you have for me.
To be honest I am proud of myself for getting this far with this story. I started it one day at work when I was bored and had nothing to do so I didn't really plan any of it. My cousin calls this style of writing panster.
I really enjoyed writing this even if I did lose inspiration. I plan on writing something new, but I also want to try planning it first so please hang tight for a little while while I figure things out.
I would like to end on thanking 3 amazing people who have helped me push myself in getting this far with the story so thank you InsidiousMind and Glitchedpsycho.
And a massive thanks to my cousin ELMckenzie (go check out their books they are amazing writers).

I have a new book I feel really confident with (hopefully I don't loose inspiration). It's called Surviving The Dark. I will be updating the book whenever I write a new chapter so please don't get upset with me if I don't update for a while.

Go and check it out!

That's all from me for now.


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