Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of banging on my front door

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I woke up to the sound of banging on my front door. I looked at my clock beside my bed and seen it was 7am. 7AM! Who in their right mind would be awake at 7am on a Saturday?

"Who ever you are you better have a damn good reason to be banging on my door waking me up at 7am!" I yelled as I made my way to open the door.

I heard the banging again and someone laugh. It was obviously someone who knew I wasn't a morning person.

"I swear to god if you bang on my door one more time I'm going to cut both your hands off." I opened the door to see Nate about to go for the door again.

"Nate, what the hell?! You know not to knock on my door before 12!" I went to hit him but he knew it was coming and grabbed my wrist easily.

"I thought we could make our way to Merri Island. It's going to take us all day to walk around the island so I thought we should get an early start. The others are going to meet us at 8:30. And to make up for waking you so early I got you breakfast and a peppermint tea. You still drink that right?" I smiled and nodded, happy that he remembered I hated coffee, so I drank tea instead, peppermint being my favourite.

I let him in and went to the kitchen and grabbed two plates. Nate had got us some toasted ham and cheese sandwiches to eat.

After we ate I quickly got ready and we hit the road. It doesn't take long to drive to the mouth of the Merri River and then it's a short walk to the start of the island.

When we got there Nate sent a message to the others letting them know we were at the start of the track, as they hadn't arrived yet. Then he looked at me. For some strange reason I started to feel myself blush. I never blush. I looked away and shook my head to get rid of that feeling. Silence fell between us.

"So while I was at uni, did you guys still go see Nanna?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"Uh, yeah. The others didn't go very often, you know, uni and work didn't let them. But since I did an online course I was free to go spend time with her. I sometimes even took my laptop with me to do assignments, I know it was rude but she loved the company and she was a big help with a lot of the assignments. Listening to her stories really helped me with the creative writing unit." I turned to look at him. He was smiling up at the sky obviously remembering the time he spent with Nanna.

"Oh, I'm glad she had some company. I feel bad about not being here the last few years. I should have come home during the breaks, instead I stayed away." I looked away from Nate who was now looking at me. In all honesty I don't know why I never came home. I turned around trying to blink away the tears not wanting him to see.

"Lisa I-"

"Hey guys, sorry we are late, Carter needed to stop for fuel." Zara said. "Ah we aren't interrupting anything are we? You guys seem a bit tense."

"Oh come on Zar, you know I hate being up before noon."

They all smiled, though I could tell Nate's was fake.

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