Request 5: My Secret (Jungkook)

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Wish it's good enough!
Request by:
AmNotApotato -- Lee Min Yun/Mia
Jungkook of BTS

Lee Min Yun's P.O.V

"So? The blue tee shirt or the red one?" Jungkook asked me, again. I crossed my legs over his bed while he stood by his closet, it've been like an hour now and he still didn't decide what he should wear for his date.

"Oppa! This is too much! Just wear any shirt for Pete's sake!" I retorted laying down on his bed, mandatorily taking in his magnificent sent.

"Come on Mia! Help me! I should look good today, it's special. It's our anniversary." he said smiling to himself.

I sighed impatiently sitting up straight on the bed "wear the red one," I answered.

"The red? Okay I have black and white too, which one do you think will be better? I also have..." Here it goes again, he continued blabbering as I laid back on his bed.

I should admit that Jungkook isn't just a friend to me, I have a secrete crush on him. But I can bear it as long as I could see him everyday and be close to him.

He had been dating for three months now. The same girl I mean. Although the feeling of dismay was always there, I try my best to feel happy for him. He looked so happy with his current girlfriend.

"I know now!" He shouted in victory. I just ignored him and snuggled to the teddy bear I got him this year for his birthday, it was so cute just like him.

It was holding a stuffed cookie and had a recording machine that plays my voice wishing him a happy birthday when you press the Teddy's stomach.

He named it MJ symbolizing the initials of our names. It was so sweet of him and I appreciate that a lot. "Mia! Focus with me here please!" He demanded.

"What will you wear kookie?" I mocked.

"Okay so, I think I'm going to wear this!" He said holding up his red shirt, he does really look dashing and handsome in red- wait who am I kidding? He looks good in anything!

"Okay it's good, now are we done?" I asked lazily.

"I think so," he replied.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted at him, he was halfway taking off his shirt when he stopped to look at me. Only his abs were visible while his chest was still covered under the shirt.

"What?" He asked innocently, I glared at him gesturing to his shirt.

He frowned "what's wrong?!" He asked.

"Are you really that stupid or are you really that stupid?" I asked. He gave me nothing but his frown again, I had to ignore how cute he looked for the second time. Ignoring his visible abs is hard enough.

"I know I've been your best friend for like eternity now and that we probably had a bath together when we were babies but you need to know," I said calmly and inhaled deeply before I continued, "Dear Kookie, we are 18 year olds now. And I'm a girl, in other words YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT INFRONT OF ME!!" As I said that he got startled and took a few steps back making him hit his closet as his shirt went down hiding his exposed skin.

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