Request 9: My Diary (Vkook)

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I really hope you like it~!
Request by:
-taesjuancock -- Vkook
V and Jungkook of BTS

Author's P.O.V

"What are you doing?" Jungkook ignored his erratically beating heart as his best friend came taking a seat beside him.

"Nothing much" he says looking away as a faint smile goes up his full lips.

He couldn't tell his best friend that he was thinking about him, he couldn't confess to Taehyung that he had a crush on him.

None the less, the existence of Tae by his side never failed to draw the true smile on his face.

Taehyung frowned at Jungkook's reply, but he shrugged it off and took the remote turning on the TV.

The rest started coming into the living room, Jimin took a seat between them, separating the two apart as a raspy laugh escaped his mouth.

Taehyung shook his head in disapproval as Jimin clung to Jungkook's arm, he saw Namjoon on his phone as usual and sighed loudly.

Suga was laying asleep on the couch and Jin was doing something in the kitchen, letting the cooking noises fill the air.

As Taehyung didn't find J-hope anywhere near their living room, and he wasn't in the kitchen obviously because he didn't hear his loud voice at all.

From curiosity he stood off his seat leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone as the heavy feeling in his heart was felt again.

V took a deep breath trying to ignore this feeling that always came to him when anyone came close to his boy, Jungkook.

But he knew, he had no right to feel this way and was certainly not planning to let anyone know about it or he would make a big embarrassment of himself.

He then started roaming thier dorm in search for Hoseok, he was really bored and had nothing else to do.

When he went up the stairs, he heard the sound of music and so he went following it.

He opened the door of the room he thought the loud music was coming from and found J-hope right there practicing.

He sighed heavily and shut the door again after debating weather to leave or not.

Finally, he left thinking it wouldn't be of any good to disturb his hyung and then took his steps to the room he shared with Jungkook.

As he entered he laid on Jungkook's bed instead of his, he inhaled taking in the smell of his Kookie.

His hand moved aimlessly on the bed till it made it's way under the pillow his head lied on, Jungkook's pillow.

Taehyung's hand came in contact with a solid object and stopped there. He frowned at that and subconsciously pulled the object out.

As his eyes laid on the uncovered object he acknowledged that it's a Notebook, a simple notebook with the title 'My Diary' printed on it's cover.

Curiosity filled his seneses again and he opened the notebook against his own accord, he knew he isn't supposed to open it because it was Jungkook's.

But he was curious, really curious about what his secret crush would be thinking and going through so he sat up on the bed and started reading.

Flipping through the pages, his eyes slowly rounded and he continued reading as utter shock was the only thing he felt.

He only stopped when he heard the door open, and he froze at that.

Jungkook came in and saw his Diary in Tae's hands, open showing all his secrets.

Abruptly he rushed snatching the Notebook out of his mate's hands.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Jungkook shouted as anger was the only thing he could feel at the moment and so he stormed out of the room leaving a frozen wide eyed Tae behind.

After Taehyung was out of his shock-phase he got up running behind Jungkook, he certainly had a lot to tell him after reading what was in that dairy.

But Jungkook didn't give him the chance as he went into the adjacent room locking himself in.

Knocking on the door a multiple of times, Taehyung received no reply. He settled down by the door pressing his back across it.

Jungkook felt his heart tighten and his breathing erratic as he went inside the room, he slid down against the door as the knocks stopped.

He had everything he felt inside that diary, every single fast heartbeat he felt go over the other because of his crush, Taehyung.

It was all written in there. The fact that he loved his best friend was clearly stated in the diary he held between his hands.

He felt angry, angry that his privacy was invaded and that his secrets were discovered and so he decided to ignore Taehyung.

Jungkook didn't know till when he would be able to keep it up but he was sure he felt angry and furious.

As they finish work Jungkook would fake asleep on the ride home, given he did the same on their ride to the company.

As soon as Namjoon would open the door he would go in first blocking out everyone as he ran into the spare room they had in the dorm for emergencies.

Taehyung wasn't able to talk to Jungkook for three days straight, he was going crazy.

He needed to let Jungkook know that he felt the same way, and today was it.
All his mates had other schedules and only Jungkook and him were going back to the dorm.

As they went into the dorm Jungkook was about to do the same thing he did everyday, run into the room and lock himself.

But Taehyung had other plans, he fastened his steps going after Jungkook and got hold of his forearm.

Jungkook turned around in reaction and tried yanking Tae's hold off his arm but Taehyung didn't budge.

"Listen to me," Taehyung commanded, his voice serious.

Jungkook froze unmoved as he stopped his protest and Tae took that as his cue to start.

"I'm sorry I read your diary" Taehyung saw Jungkook scuff and roll his eyes at that but he continued anyway "But I'm thankful I did" he said receiving Jungkook's angry glare.

"I've been feeling the same way for a long time, I was just too happy when I read this but you didn't leave me a chance to tell you. To tell you that-" Taehyung stopped breathing in before he would let out the truest words he ever said.

"I love you too"

By now, Jungkook didn't have the angry glare on his face anymore. Instead his eyes were open in shock as his heart beated almost painfully across his chest.

After a few seconds of utter silence, Taehyung couldn't hold it in anymore and so he pulled his arm, the one connected to Jungkook's.

The sudden movement caused Jungkook to stumble forward towards Taehyung.

Without waiting any second further Taehyung smashed his lips on Jungkook's full pink ones.


This is seriously nothing compared to your amazing writing S, but I really tried to make it as good.

Guess this isn't my field, but that was just for you S 😉 hope you liked it.

Thank you for reading ♡

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