Request 10: My Crush (J-Hope)

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Hope you like it fam and thank you for requesting for the second time~!
Request by:
wildtaeseok -- Aye (A)
J-hope of BTS

Aye's P.O.V

"What are you going to wear today for dinner with hobie?" I ask my best friend, Eunmi over the phone as I roam around my wardrobe hopelessly.

Nothing, nothing to wear!

"I don't know, it's not a big deal anyway." She replies monotonously, for a split second there I feel a heavy feeling inside; I am the one excited, I am the one who cares, and I am the one with a crush on Hoseok. Not her.

But I'm not the one who he likes, I'm just a third wheeler now. A pathetic one even. "Yah, you there A?" I snap out and shake off the unpleasant feeling. It's not her fault, you don't pick who likes you or who you like.

It just happens.

"Yeah, just..." I bit on my bottom like, "you know, looking for something to wear." I lie, she buys it and so the rest of the phone call goes on normally, just how I want it to be.

But deep inside, I knew none of what's happening was. Anyway, no one needed to know.

Eunmi doesn't know that I've been crushing on Jhope for years now, and I didn't tell her that Jhope likes her either. I refused to give up, I will just hold on a bit more. A little more.

I won't crash too soon, after all those years. I can hold on one more day to that idea of us. The us I made up, the couple only I know about.

When we end the call I throw my phone over the bed and fiddle with the big pile of clothes that lay on the floor of my bedroom. My phone rings again and I blindly answer the call.

"Hello," I proceeded looking through the clothes.

"Hi Aye," my breath hitches and my heartbeats race, I should get used to the feeling by now but I wasn't.

"Hi Aye," my breath hitches and my heartbeats race, I should get used to the feeling by now but I wasn't

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"Hi hobie," I say, cheerfully. I felt satisfied when my tone hide how I really felt.

"Eunmi is coming today, right?" He asks, the familiar heaviness occupies me again; I was hurt yet the tiny piece of hope I held because I never confessed yet made me bear with it.

"Yeah, she is." I voice with a toothless smile.

"I feel so nervous A, what if she rejectes me? Well, we all know she doesn't like me back-" I cut him off.

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