Request 11: Your Hero (Harry Styles)

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Enjoy Norah!
Happy reading~
OurIdiots1Dand5sos -- Norah
Harry Styles of One Direction
Not KPOP, this is a special exception♡

Norah chews on the gum in her mouth, makes a bubble before popping it loudly as she walks to school revising the lessons she'll be tested in today. She's going to get good grades to shove them in her mom's face or maybe to prove herself to both her mom and her own.

But she's sure she's paying lots of effort this time.

As she walks, her feet accidentally step in a puddle of sorry water on the grounds of the dusty street. "What the fūck?" She curses as she tries kicking off the dirt on her favorite shoes.

They were her favorite, just like the ones her hero owned. Just if they were brown like his, albeit she was content with the fact that they were similar to his even though they were gray, "I'm sorry my babies," she pouts looking down at the pair with sad eyes.

After a mental note of whipping them clean when she's back home later, she proceeds walking to school and just like everyday, she intentionally takes a turn to pass by a certain bakery. Although the route she takes is longer than the one she's supposed to take to school, she never questioned herself while walking more for her motive was so worth it.

When her feet rest on the pavement opposite the the bakery, she hides behind the corner of a building so that she's in the shadows. Just like in her real life, but, again, the fact that she could lay her eyes on a certain green eyed boy made her happy even in that situation.

Her full lips stretch upwards and she feels the frame of her glasses touch her cheeks before casually pushing them up and stepping into the street so she could continue walking, she already took her dose of happiness when she watched her hero bake goodies she knew are delicious.

She looks down at her shoes and walks past the bakery in relaxed steps, "En!" A deep voice calls making her stop dead in her step, her mind double checks the certain sound of the voice before setting itself to freak out.

"Holly fück." She curses softly. Busy freaking out, her mind loses all control on her limbs as she stares upfront, listening to the steps nearing her. A big hand holds her left shoulder and turns her around before her brown eyes bulge at the being in front of her.

She can never help the one beat that her heart skips when ever he's close, his warm hand touching her uniform just gave her the permission to never wash the clothing piece again.

"H-Harry." Her hero stands before her in all his mighty handsomeness, hotness, sexiness- you name it, his signature shoes clad his feet while a white apron gracefully hides half his black super-skinny pants and matching shirt, a white cap showing only half of his gorgeous brown curls.

He called me. Norah muses inside her head, he called me by a fúcken nickname! She breathes in and out, trying to maintain her composure. In attempt of distracting herself she glances at Harry's other hand that held a box.

The confirmation of the fact that his hand was still holding her shoulder made her almost lose control, almost, when her eyes fall on his other big hand, she appreciates its beauty and takes in another deep breath to swallow the squeal that threatened to escape her throat.

It's okay gurl, it's not your first time seeing him, it's not your first time talking to the man, it's not your first time. She keeps convincing herself while she knew it so clear that she just can't help it.

"Oh," Harry mutters as his eyes leave your face, gaining back their concentration in the process, "um, I got you something." He continues nervously and for a moment you don't see him so tall and giant as you did.

He looked cute, a cute boy you wanted so bad to squeeze in a tight hug. Cross that, you needed to. Hold on. You tell your self.

Both pairs of eyes move to the box Harry's hand held, Norah notices it's something from the bakery, something he made himself, "here," he moves his hand off your shoulder to hold yours before putting the box in your hands, "I hope you like it, Norah." He tells you, softly pronouncing your name, "oh!" His body jolts forward a bit, moving closer to yours as his body language convey that he remembered something important, "there is a note, have an amazing day En."

He hugs you, his wide arms pulling you in and wrapping themselves securely around you before his hands rub your back, just enhancing the will to not wash the freaking jacket you're currently wearing.

You feel his smile on your shoulder before he steps back and kisses you on the cheek. A dimpled tooth-full smile fails to hide his pink cheeks while you decide this is the best day of your life. You look down at the box then up at your hero, your hand goes up to touch the skin he kissed then you sigh dreamily.

A jolt of adrenaline makes you rushingly wrap your arms around his waist and happily hug the guy, after his body tenses a bit he willingly hugs you back, "thank you." You whisper into his chest.

He nods and hugs you one last time before letting go, you're only out of it after he waves you goodbye and walks back into his working place, making his figure disappear from your sight.

You turn around and let out another happy sigh before excitingly opening the box, your eyes glitter as they gaze at your favorite baked goodies then at a light pink paper neatly set in the box.

Your body shudders before unfolding the paper. And reading off the autistically drawn words.

I know you have some test today Norah, good luck and have a nice day. I figured recently your name means light, no wonder when I see you I claim that you're my sunshine. Enjoy these, I made them myself. For you.


It's your happy day.

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