day two

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Thursday, March 24th 2016


he'd waited, and waited, and waited yesterday. until she finally came back to her locker and saw the note. he left when she'd read the note. she was probably freaked out as hell, but he was satisfied. he had at least done something.

now he stood at her locker again, even more nervous than yesterday. he was about to put a new note on her locker, and was scared she would catch him in the act.

he looked around and when no one was looking, he quickly pressed the new note on the locker and read the note once more. Your eyes are beautiful, like azure seas.

wasn't that a bit too creepy? probably. he shrugged and turned around, walking back to his friends in the cafetaria.


here's day two! i'll update one more today, for friday, then tomorrow tuesday will be up. i hope you like the story so far!

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