day six

22 5 1

Thursday, March 31th 2016


he'd seen her again today in english, just like yesterday. it was the reason he loved wednesdays and thursdays so much. it were the days in which he could hide in the back of class where he never got caught looking. even the teacher paid no attention to him.

when english was over, he always waited until everyone was out of the classroom so no one would see him. he didn't like attention. he saw her walking out of class with her all-time best friend casper and noticed how tall she actually was, compared to loads of other girls in his school.

that's what gave him the inspiration for his new note. oh, and he also felt good that day, so he wanted to add a little cheeky remark in there too. 

    You're tall, but smaller than me. Your head would fitunder my chin perfectly.  

and he could only imagine what it would be like to actually hold her close to him.


i know he needs to grow some balls, but honestly i don't want him to ;) (yes pleuvior this is why i dedicated today's part to you ;D) 

i personally think not having the courage and keeping to write those notes only makes him cuter XD

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