day twenty one

15 6 0

Thursday, April 21th 2016


"I'm not a badass, but I do skip school pretty often. Especially English."

From Beau, 1.09 P.M.

whaaaat but i'm in your english class??

To Beau, 1.09 P.M.

no shit sherlock ;)

From Beau, 1.10 P.M.

don't you want to be in class with me

From Beau, 1.10 P.M.

gee dude, that's flattering

To Beau, 1.11 P.M.

i do, but you know what i look like know

To Beau, 1.11 P.M.

and i just don't want you to find out who i am


i have the feeling less and less people read surreptitious... please comment or vote if you've read it and liked it!

love, naomi

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