day twenty three

17 6 0

Saturday, April 23th 2016


From Beau, 10.24 A.M.

hey leo

From Beau, 10.24 A.M.

can you give me a hint today too

To Beau, 10.26 A.M.

i don't know...

From Beau, 10.27 A.M.

don't be a dickhead... pleaseeee :3

To Beau, 10.27 A.M.


To Beau, 10.27 A.M.

i have a strange addiction of apples

From Beau, 10.27 A.M.

apples are good

To Beau, 10.28 A.M.

you know it


boom!! there'll be updates on the weekends too from now on, hope you enjoyed it! please don't be silent readers ;)

love, naomi

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