day eleven

26 6 2

Thursday, April 7th 2016


he hurried towards her locker before school started. he didn't know why exactly, but he felt like he needed to be quick today. he'd written a note that said more about what he'd replied yesterday. 

I'll give you hints. The first are coffee and sweaters. I love those.

content with himself fore once, he walked away again before she arrived and caught him. 

in lunch break his note was still on her locker. which was strange. normally, she put his note in her bag once she'd read it. he took the note off, looked at the back and grinned when he spotted a response in her handwriting.

Those are crappy hints! I mean, who doesn't like coffee and sweaters? Tshh.

in small letters he wrote

doesn't matter, they're still hints? ;)

and went home.


not sure about this one, it's again short and i feel like the story has been getting boring. the last few chapters are too similar for my liking. thoughts? please don't be a silent reader!

love, naomi 

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