day twenty

18 5 0

Wednesday, April 20th 2016


"I have dark eyes"

From Beau, 1.16 P.M.

you seem a sunshine-y person, everything's dark ;)

From Beau, 1.16 P.M.

dark eyes, dark hair...

To Beau, 1.17 P.M.

yeah I also have a tanned skin

From Beau, 1.18 P.M.

so you look kind of spanish?

To Beau, 1.18 P.M.

yeah I do, my dad is spanish sooo....

From Beau, 1.19 P.M.

seems cool, I like it ;D


that's it, three hints (or two?) in one! hope you liked it, please comment what you think of the story so far and please vote!

love, naomi.

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