day three

28 7 0

Friday, March 24th 2016


he was overexcited. she'd read the note again yesterday. she had smiled at reading it. actually smiled.

he couldn't believe it. he had expected her to be really freaked out and throw the note away, but no. she read, smiled and stuffed it away in the front pocket of her backpack.

he wanted to let her know that he knew how freaky he was being, so he wrote her
a new note.

"You're probably really freaked out right now, and that's my fault. I'm sorry."


here is number three, today i will also post today's note (of Tuesday) since I have a day off on easter and there's no note.
hope you like it so far, please don't be a silent reader!

surreptitiousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon