day nine

22 3 0

Tuesday, April 5th 2016


he wanted to be honest to her today. yesterday he'd told her he knew nothing about her, but he hadn't been completely honest. he knew some stuff. and he knew what he was about to write could be a hint to her, but he wrote it anyway.

i kinda lied yesterday. i do know something about you, like your full name, your age and that you've been in my english class since freshman. sorry. by the way, could you maybe reply one day?

as he did every day, he secretly watched her read it. but today, for a change, she frowned and grabbed a pen from her pocket, uncapped it and started to write something on the beack of his note. after lunch break, he took his time to get to the stairs and first read what she wrote back in a classy, round but messy handwriting.

well... okay. but what do you want me to say? i have a stalker, yay. now who are you?

he smiled. he wasn't ever going to tell her who he was and she called him a stalker, but she replied. that was enough for him. then he went to class.


ta-daa! she replied! i hope you guys like it, don't be a silent reader please ❤

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