day twelve

25 6 0

Friday, April 8th 2016


on the note he'd written yesterday before he went home, was a reply. he grinned, happy that she kept replying to his notes. 

Yeah that's great, but what do sweaters have to do with you? she'd written.

he immediately grabbed a note and pen from his back. he'd stashed a whole packet of sticky notes in his backpack  so he would never run out. then he wrote a response to her note.

The hint meant that I love to wear sweaters, I wear them very often. Today we have English. Look.

he still didn't want her to find out who he was, but he decided to give her a little heads-up. he hadn't expected for so many guys to be sick in english. when he arrived at her locker again in luch break, there was a reply.

five guys were sick and all other guys had sweaters on. it's flipping april, whoever-you-are. it's cold in portland in april, genius. 45 degrees fahrenheit. which one was you?

he scratched his neck and coughed awkwardly, even though she wasn't there. then he wrote in small letters in the corner of the note his last message for today.

Sorry, you just can't know. You can do much better.

for the rest of the day, he didn't smile once. he was too deep in thoughts to even register anything that happened around him. at the end of the day, he decided she could never find out who he was. it was for the best.


badaboom, that's a long one for friday! sorry i'm maybe a bit late, but here it is. hope you enjoyed, and please don't be a silent reader!

surreptitiousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora