Bicycle riding with Daddy!

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Thomas P.O.V (Week after Easter)
I get to watch Marcellette for a week because (Y/N) has to on a trip to Sweden for her book. Marcellette is staying in my room in a fort we made. She's just like her mom, (Y/N) loves to make forts. Marcellette was sitting at the island eating cereal. "Daddy what are we doing today, it's Sunday so I don't have school" my little girl asked. "Well what do you want to do" I respond. "I want to go bike riding" she said. "Okay do you have a bike" I asked. "No mommy didn't by me one yet" she told me. "Okay, another question have you ever ridden a bike before" I asked. "No, mommy never taught me because she never learned how" she explained. That sounds like (Y/N). "Okay let's go to the store then" I told her. We went to the store and bought a bike (Like the one he's riding in the picture). We went to the park and I showed her how to ride it. "But Daddy don't I need a helmet" she asked with worry in her voice. "No you'll be fine. I never used a helmet and look I'm fine" I told her. (Just saying I don't know him personally so I don't know if it's true) "Okay" she said happily. She got on the bike and tried but there was a hole in the ground and she fell. I ran to her and put her on my lap. "Are you okay" I asked her. "No, my arm hurts" she cried. I looked at her arm, it was bleeding but didn't need stitching. I picked her up and grabbed the bike. "How about you not tell mommy and I'll bring you to Comic Con when I go so you can meet the Doctor" I tried to convince her. She smiled and nodded. We went home and I cleaned up her injury. After we were watching Doctor Who and the episode that I was in came up. Her little eyes widen and sparked. "Daddy you were on the show" she asked with wonder in her voice (Does that make sense). "Yep"I told her, proudly. The rest of the afternoon she kept asking me questions about being on the show.
Do you guys think I should do a imagine book for either the maze runner or TBS. Comment if you would like me too. 😋😋😋😛😛😛🍔🍔🍏🍏🍔🍏🍞🍣🍜🍘🍉🍕🍈🍤🍆🍩🍢🍋🍒🍠🍓🍚🌽🍥🍉
- The Crazy Fangirl

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