Chapter 3- is fate real?

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Hey guys chapter three this is my last o e for today but I will start up again tommarow I hope you guys like it so far I try to make it as interesting as possible. Btw These girls are pictures from google images it's not me maybe on the last chapter I'll put one of me but for now then are from Google images enjoy!!!! P.S this chapter will be short but you'll know why after I'm done so please continue reading love y'all <3

Carl's P.O.V
I opened the door and almost immediately I heard fumbling upstairs "dad do you hear that"
Ricks P.O.V
" what son" I start to get worried and reach for my gun.
Carl's P.O.V
"Just listen" *FUMBLE FUMBLE* " I'll go check it out" Rick - " ok be carful keep that gun at hand" " yea I got it dad". I go up the stairs and it sounds like it's coming from the bathroom so I check it out but nothing's there so I go into the master bedroom.
Jaidyns P.O.V
I hear him coming into the room I keep my pocket knife handy just in case I try not to but star to cry a little bit I try to hold it in. So I brase myself for the worst.
Carl's P.O.V
*carls thoughts* it's definitely coming from the closet. I open the closet and see a beautiful girl with amber brown wavy hair with purple glasses that reveal shinning brown eyes that had been crying but I wasn't going to let my Guard down just because of a girl I had to do somthing and fast!

Ok I told you this would be a short chapter so find out what happens next but first ..... Contest time whooooohoooo ok so this contest Is pretty cool I will give a roll to my story for the people who can come up with the most creative and awsome ending for Carl an Jaidyn at the end of the story. All you have to do is tell me the ending (in your opinion) and give me your personality, your hair color, gender, and what roll you would like to play an I know it sounds really bad but you can be Carl's girlfriend and he can't fall for you either I dot want any drama in my story but I will give you a pretty cool roll so message me and you could be in my story also I will give the winnings to three winners I will message the winners and their prizes can be three things a fallow a shout out and a story that they want me to write about them but it can only be 7 chapters or less. Third place will get a fallow and a shout out the second place winner will get a fallow and a story and the first place winner will get all three but I will fallow all the people who messaged me so good luck and message me thanks love y'all <3

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