Chapter six- the motherload

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Hey guys this is the chapter where Carl kinda shows is some rosey cheeks if you know what I mean and no I dont mean his butt so fangirls don't make a scene lol. But you'll see what I mean soon enjoy!!!

Jaidyns P.O.V
After I pull myself together I decide to get up and go read so as I'm in my room I hear Rick call me into his. When I get there I see Rick holding his leg and has a face that you can tell he is in a lot of pain. "Rick what's wrong?" I ask, he says " I didnt want to tell Carl but on the run we killed a walker and a peice of glass got into my leg and I really hurts and I bleeding." I say " do you have a first aid kit I can patch it up for you?" Rick says " yea it's in my bag in the second pocket." I get the kit and find tweezers, goze, and bandages. " after I get the glass out I clean up the blood around his leg and wrap it up in bandages. Rick says " wow how do you know how to do that so well?"  I said" I was a Girl Scout and you learn this kind of stuff there, plus my mom was a nurse." Rick says " well thanks a bunch that really helps and also because of my leg I cut the run short so I was wondering if you could go with Carl for a run to finish getting supplies?" I gulp and say " do you really think Carl would want that?" Rick says " he may be stubborn but I think he likes you so it shouldn't be a problem *chuckle*." I said" ok do you have a list?" He hands me the list. "Ok well we will be back I say before going to Carl's room to get him". "Knock knock" he opens the door. " can I help you" he said with a snarl. *jaidyns thoughts* how could he possibly like me when he's so rude. " well if you must know carl your dads leg is hurt and he wants us to go on a run to get the rest of the supplies" I said " and why should I do that with you?" He said " because you have no choice unless your not grown up enough to handle it" I said with a snicker. " of course I am, let's just go before I change my mind" as we are out the door I read the list. " ok it looks like we need water, bread, canned food, paper towels, any type of medicine, and first aid supplies. "And that's it, ok doesn't seem to bad most of the stuff is a must have on here so we won't have trouble." " see you won't have to be with me for too long Carl" I said with a death glare. " whatever let's go check that house" Carl said we went to the door and he tried to open it by breaking it down but failed miserably and fell to the floor " ow crap that hurt" Carl said " your plan to show off didn't exactly work" I said. He just rolled his eyes and his face turned red a little bit before getting up and picking the lock. As we go in I go to the kitchen and was able to get five cans of food and a couple bottles of water but that was it, so I go to the bath room and Carl got hydrogen peroxide and some band aids. " ok well we should just go to another house this one is pretty empty anyway" I said " ok" Carl said. We go to the house next door and we see blood smeared hands on the white door. " you might want to have your weapon ready" Carl said "yeah I kinda figured" I said. We opened the door and I check the kitchen grab two more bottles of water and like 12 cans of food SCORE!!! Anyway, so after that I hear Carl scream kinda like a girl but I try my hardest not to laugh so I run into the bedroom where Carl is but before I do I hear him fire his gun twice ten he's still trying to shoot but his gun isn't loaded anymore. *snarllllll* oh no is whisper. I pull my pocket knife out and jam it into the walkers head and it falls right on Carl's face *ewwww* " gross get it off me Jaidyn " " I don't know not till I get a thank you" I say, " fine thank you for saving me, now can you please get it off me!" " alright you've sort of convinced me" i said. I kick off the walker and he scrambles away from it but immediately throws up after ward and lucky for him it didn't get on me. " wow I didn't know you had a weak stomach" I said taunting him " no I haven't felt good all morning" he said out of breath " ok well let's move on to the next house" I said. When we get to the next house Carl finds more health supplies and this time there is a medicine cabinet full of medication so we just take all of it and this house had a lot of bread and canned items, and on top of everything g else there was two gallons of bottled water so we figured we where done. " alright well that plenty of everything so we can go" I said walking away " wait Jaidyn now that we have everything we can try to find things for our selfs" he says " maybe your right I could use some more cloths" we go into every room and I find some pants and shirts and some really cute flip flops and things like hairbrushes and headbands plus some night cloths. Carl got the same thing plus some weird comic books and action figures " what are you going to do with action figures" I said " I don't know" he said " hey while I was up stairs I found a window that leads to the roof so if you want to prove to me that your brave why do t you climb up there and sit on the edge of the roof" ( mind you this was a two story house) Carl said" fine I'll accept it as long as you do it to" fine" he said I climb out the window and the my foot slipped and I'm now rolling on the roof......

Hey guys I know this isn't a huge cliff hanger but it was the best I could do and sort the story is so long but I could find a good cliff hanger part but I promise next chapter will be even more gut turning so good luck and hope you enjoy!!!!

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