Chapter 14- midnight

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Two weeks later

We have so far been in this house for 2 months nothing has happened but I still can't shake the feeling that someone is out to get us and it doesn't help that Maria might have somthing to do with it. (Ps. If you don't know the theory about Marie I suggest reading the previous chapter) I now hear her sneak out of her bedroom windows around the time everyone goes to bed . I know this because the room me and Carl sleep in is right beside hers and I hear the window opening and her closing it then a loud thump outside....sometimes her cursing in pain *snicker* it's amusing sometimes. I have decided that when she does it tonight I'm going to fallow her to see where she is going and I have made a perfect plan hopefully nothing goes wrong after all Carl agreed with me and said I should so that gives me more hope.
"Carl I don't trust her something's up and I'm gonna find out what"

"Come on jaidyn I highly doubt she has another group I mean even if she did why would she just be talking to them in the middle of the night instead of going with them?"

"That's what I have to figure out.... but think about it we look dirty and worn down like someone in an apocalypse should look but she looks the total opposite her hair is nice her clothes are basiclly bran new how could she be like that and not have someone else providing for her!"

"*sigh* your right I have noticed that but what's your plan?"

"I'm gonna fallow her and see where she goes then when I find something out I'm gonna tell Rick so she can get her a** out of here before I kill her!"

" *chuckles* I can't take you seriously when your mad but you go for it I'll be watching close by"

"What are you saying... your gonna go with me or what?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying I'm not gonna let you get hurt"

"Whatever I'll be the one protecting you anyway"

"Yeah yeah"
End of flashback at 12:00midnight

*window opening and closing*
"Carl she lef..."
*loud thump* ow son of a b****
"*laughs* that never get old "
"How has she not broken her leg yet?"
"God only knows anyway let's hurry"
We walk down the stairs and out the back door to the back yard. I see a shadow walking in the forest and see the glistening of a bracelet in the moon light knowing that's Maria.

"Yep that's her she had the bracelet let's go"
"Right behind you"
We fallow her for what seems like 2 hours before we are right in the middle of the woods and I noticed that after all this time we hadn't run into any walkers...this was getting way to weird. She stops right smack in the middle of the woods in an area that had no trees and seemed to be in a perfect circle. Her back is facing us so we can see that she's just standing there waiting for somthing after a while we hear rustling that's coming from the side of the foods thats facing her so we make sure to hide. The rusting stops and we see three men emerge from the trees with bags and weapons over their shoulders and they are surprisingly buff and tall which makes things worse becuase we are just two kids up against three body builders and that's scary.

" took you goons long enough where is my stuff?!"
"Sorry miss we made sure to get the best stuff for you, only the best of the best can be for the bosses daughter." The tallest one said to her

"The bosses daughter wtf?!?!"

" yeah whatever just hand it over"

"Of course and if you don't mind us asking your father wants to know what the verdict is on Rick...has he died yet?"

"No the dumba** won't die he's to strong I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this alone my dad needs to come here with his guards and the whole group"

*gasp* Carl grabbed my hand and I could see his eyes widening.

"Who's there!.... come on we need to get you out of here Marie!" They run with Marie far into the woods and I hear one of them say"SEARCH THE AREA!"

"Oh crap run jaidyn come on!" Carl drags me and we run as fast as we can until we can't anymore but we where so far from the house that we had to stop by a near by tree. We stayed there for a while with me clinging on to Carl's arm and hoping that they didn't fallow us.......but they did

"There you are!" One of the guys grabbed me by the hair and flung me over his shoulder "let go of me you bastard!!!" I try to kick and get away but he over powers me "let her go you a**hole !" Another guy comes up behind Carl and wraps a cloraphorm rag around his mouth and he passes out. "CARL!!" That's all I hear before I get thrown to the ground and get kicked in the stomach when I'm also greeted with a rag in my face.

See what happens in the next chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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