Chapter 7- i love you. Or do i?

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Hi guys sorry I haven't been posting I'm sick but I'm going to try to make the story as enjoyable as possible because I'm still weak and don't know half the stuff I'm saying but enjoy!!!

Help Carl!!! I said. " hang on Jaidyn I'll pull you up!" He pulls me up and I basically fall on him and as I do it just seemed like the world stopped. I looked into is icy blue eyes and just didn't want to look away. " Jaidyn..." Carl said. After he said that I snap back to reality and sit on the roof again with my arms crossed and my jawline buried in my arms. " so can you tell me more about your self..... I mean we have nothing else to talk about." Carl said knowing I was embarrassed and tried to change the subject." Well there's not really much to tell, I was 10 when the apocalypse happened and I had my mom, dad, little sister, and our dog with us. We went on runs to get supplies and things and we thought we could get by pretty easy and we did until I was 13 and my sister got sick and we didn't have any medicine so eventually she passed, then after a couple months my parents and I went on a run and a herd of walkers started attacking we killed them all but both of my parents had gotten bitten and my dog ran away. So after they died I was on my own until I was 14 and now I'm here." " wait so your 14 I'm 15, I thought you where like 12 or somthing." " shut up I'm not that short." I said " no your not short you just look young" Carl said. " well we should be heading back" I said kind of blushing " ok let's go" Carl said. " we where almost at the house when I felt a tug on my arm " huh..." I said confused and I look behind me and Carl has a kind of look that sets my heart on fire. " Jaidyn I just wanted to say that....". Before he could finish his sentence we hear a loud crash and a scream. " oh my god your dad!" I said running to the house. I didn't even see if Carl was fallowing but I knew how he kinda disliked his dad so I figured he might not care. I see no one down stairs and hear a gun shot. " RICK!!!!!" I screamed knowing that this can't be good. I'm on the third step when I see a man on the top step and before I could even think he grabbed me pulled my hair so I wouldn't escape " LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD!!!" I screamed while biting his hand as hard as I could and it drew blood " OWWWW YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!" He yeld but I already was in the kitchen and graves the nearest butcher knife and made sure my gun was steady. " there you are " a man said and I tried to stab him but the knife fell out of my hand. I hear a gun cock " get your Nasty hands off of her I promise I will shoot you!" Carl said in a stirn and angry tone I could have sworn I heard him growl to. " yea right like I'm gonna be scared of a ten year old" the man said and he shot Carl's hand right in the center of his palm " CARL!!!" I was terrified, he grabbed his Hand and fell to his knees. The man grabbed me and took me up stairs and then I saw right with a cut on his face and chest area. He throws me down next to Rick and goes back down stairs. I start crying and then I see a mother guy holding a rifle and guarding us " Rick are you ok?" " yea I'm fine there just flesh wounds but don't worry we will get out of this " shut up!!!" The man yells. Moments later the other guy brings Carl up and throws him next to me and I notice he has a towel around his hand and its soaking up blood and a lot of it. " Carl..." Rick says quietly and I can see tears forming in his eyes which only makes me cry more. " you need to apply pressure to his hand or he'll bleed to death!!!" Rick says almost crying. The man surprisingly grabs rope and the towel and wraps the rope around the towel to apply pressure. " what do you want" I manage to choke out. " well that's simple we want this very nice house and all of your supply's so if you give it to us you might just make it out alive, but if you refuse we will slowly tear out your insides one by one until you die" " we won't give you crap" Rick says with a snarl " ok then we'll just have to take it" then the leader picks up Rick and pulls out his knife and is about to plunge it into his stomach....

He guys this is a good cliff hanger am I right well anyway see what happens to Rick Carl and Jaidyn on the next chapter and will Carl be able to finish his sentence? What will he say find out on chapter 8 love y'all

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