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"That's it for today guys" said the blue haired man to his class as he put the black marker down and turned back to his class.

"I hope you have a nice day"

The girls squealed as he smiled gentle. The guys reacted rather normal while all the girls freaked. All of them besides one. A pink haired girl in the third row inside the big lecture hall.

Her face was buried in her notebook while she wrote down the things from the whiteboard. A slight grin crept on the teachers lips, which he hide fast again.

"But before you go. Please all give me your reports about Hiroshima and Nagasaki" he said.

The students groaned. The handsome man sat down at his table. One after another the students put their reports down on his table. The girls all winked at them. It made him sigh. 70% of his class are girls. And that not because they likes history.

The classroom was empty besides the pinkette in the third row. She finished her notes and packed her things, before walking to the front table and handing her report to her teacher.

"As always you're the last in class Amu" he snickered amused.

"I'm just careful with my notes" she responded emotionless "and I told you to stop being so formal Tsukiyomi-sensai" she added.

"And I told you to call me Ikuto. We're just three years makes me feel old" he responded with a smile.

"I don't want to..." she responded quietly.

Ikuto eyed her. She looked like the shy kind of girl. He worked at this college since he was 20. So for already 3 years. Last year Amu attended college.

She was different than the other girl. She barely looked at him and never tried to flirt. She was the only female student with good grades in his class, since she studied well. For Ikuto she was interesting. Not interesting as a human or a student...but interesting as a woman.

He always kept his eyes especially on her in his lesson. How could he not?

Her flawless skin, her silky hair, her rosy lips, her well shaped body...everything about her attracted him like light a moth.

But mostly her eyes. Two big honey come colored orbs. They looked so lovely...but he could see hidden emotions behind them.

Amu went. Leaving Ikuto alone in the classroom. He looked trough the reports. Small notes stuck in the report of several girl with their phone numbers in them. He threw them straight in the trash. He wasn't interested in such immature girls. He was rather interested in woman like Amu.

He finished his work and send home to his apartment. It was close to college. Close to everything I town.

He put the reports of his students reports aside on the couch table and took a shower. After getting out he put on some pants. A towl hang around his head. His hair was still wet, letting water droplets slide down his face. A few dripped down to his chest. He whipped them away with the towel.

He grabbed a bottle of water to drink and went to his balcony. He liked the cool weather outside. Especially after such a long hot shower.

His thoughts went back to Amu. She was such and interesting woman. She never even glanced at him. This was what made her interesting.

He couldn't think of anything else but ravishing her. He wanted to kiss those rosy lips. Cares her soft skin. Trail his tongue all over her body. He wanted to make a pure mess out of her.

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