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[~•~Amu's view~•~]

It was silent in the movie theater as I watched a movie with until loud screams surrounded each spot if the dark room. We were watching horror movie at the cinema. Me and Ikuto.

It was already the second movie we watched today. The first time we went into sausage party. Ikuto found the movie rather childish. He doesn't seem to have liked the film very much.

I don't understand why. I like animated movies. Especially since the food talked. The most interesting thing was the relationship between the sausage and the hot dog bun.....okay, thinking about it twice makes me understand why he didn't really like it. Ikuto wasn't really as much of an child like me.

To make it up to him I told him I'd go in a movie he wanted to see. He of course decided on some horror flick. He probably thought it'll scare me to death and get me closer to him. But I was fine with it.

I just felt a little disgusted as soon as a fee horny teenagers got slaughtered. It's like they do not understand the rules of horror. The best option is to always stay a virgin. If you're  not...just leave...don't try to have sex or anything and just leave....

I flinched seeing another teen being massacred in some empty corner of the forest. How can teenager be so dumb. Even thrillers make more sense.

"Ugh....that's really disgusting" I groaned quietly , trying to not bother anyone else in the room.

"You're taking the film quiet good for a girl" chucked Ikuto next to me.

"Well....I don't mind horror movies" I responded "I watch them a lot with my brother so...yeah.... they're not real after all" I explained.

"I see" he chuckled amused.

"Just so you know. Don't scare me" I warned him "I know movies aren't real so I'm fine with them. But if you scare me too much there's a chance my heart stops for real" I told him shooting him a slight glare.

"I get, I get it" he said before resting his hands back at the armrests. It was kinda weird to be here with Ikuto. It's like a date. I don't know if it's a date though. And I don't if I should ask.

The movie was getting me bored slowly so is leaned a bit to the side, resting my head on his shoulder. It was more comfortable like this. Out if reflex I grabbed his hand,  holding it tightly. I always did that with Tadase when I went to the movies with him.

Compared to Ikuto,  Tadase was like a brick. Ikuto's shoulders were broad and muscular, but still perfect to be used as a pillow. It was really comfy. And he didn't seem to mind it. I guess it was fine with him then.

After about another hour the movie finally ended. Since it got a bit late we went to grab something to eat. I wanted something unhealthy. That's why the two of us went to McDonald's.

I was quite hungry. Not just because I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. But because this....let's call it work out. Because of the work out I'm having with Ikuto sometimes I'm getting pretty exhausted. That's why I need to get some energy.

I ordered the usual, a Bigmac, nuggets, fries and a coca. Afterwards I ordered a Snickers mcflurry. I always ate a lot of junk food when I started to get exhausted.

"You sure can eat a lot" chuckled Ikuto as he watched me. He seemed to find everything amusing I did. I wondered why. I always thought I'd be rather boring.

"That's because your stamina is too much for me" I murmured with a slight blush "but it's fun to do something with you. This really shows that I can hang our with you...even without sex" I told him.

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