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[~•~Amu's view~•~]

Nervously I knocked on the door of Ikuto's apartment. I had a fight with my brother and needed some space from him. We fought a lot. But now I just wanted to be away from him.

The door soon was opened by Ikuto. He looked at me surprised. Honestly, it surprised him every time I came here when I was in the mood, I guess. Especially after every time we've done it.

"Amu? What brings you here?" He asked as he let me inside.

"Uh...I had a fight with my brother and wanted to-" I turned quiet as I looked at the blonde girl sitting on Ikuto's couch.
We looked at each other surprised.

"'s not what you think!" Responded Ikuto a but shocked "she's my sister. I swear to good" he said shocked.

"She's aware of that fact you idiot" responded Utau as she glared at her brother.

"Kukai and Utau are dating...she's most likely living at my place when she's visiting Kukai" I explained.

"Oh...I see" sighed Ikuto relieved. He didn't want me to think anything wrong, I guess.

Utau isn't going to college. She's working as a designer all over the world. She travels a lot and doesn't really have an apartment so she always stayed at my house. Since she was going out with Kukai.

"Geez! I haven't seen you in months!" Sighed Utau before demanding me to sit down next to her.

Ikuto felt rather annoyed. I assume he wanted to have some alone time with me now. I finally was feeling better again after my cold. And I haven't seen him in a few days since he gave me some space so I could get healthy faster.

He accepted the fact that he needed to wait and sat down in a big leather chair. His sister usually visited him first when she was in the country. Even if they don't always get along Ikuto cared for his little sister. He wasn't some kind of heartless monster afterall. I know that.

Utau told me about all that a lot. I didn't knew Ikuto was her brother at first though. Kukai told me that after what happened between me and Ikuto.

Utau and I meet trough Kukai. Kukai needed my permission before letting someone stay at my house. Especially since I didn't always get along with other humans beings. But I kinda went along with her. She was really nice.

Utau and me chatted for a while. Utau always had a lot to tell me. Well,  sure. After all she sees quiet a lot. I always listened to her stories carefully. I found everything quite interesting.

"Can I ask why you're at my brothers place now?" Asked Utau after a while.

"Uh well..." I muttered confused while thinking about an explanation. Utau was just like the rest of my friends. She wanted me to get over Tadase already. But I wonder how she'll react when I tell her I have now and then have accidentally sex with her brother.

Well, probably she'd first ask me how two people accidentally could have sex. I don't even know that myself. I just kinda....I don't know. I'm a young and healthy woman in my best age. It's just something my body carves now and then.

And Ikuto is good at it. I mean really good. I can't hold myself back when he starts. That boy sure know what he does. He's kinda always pushing the right buttons and- wait!...what did I actually think about at first!?

"Amu is one of my best students. We had a drink now and then and became friends" explained Ikuto. I sighed relieved. He didn't lie so it was fine saying that.

"Oh I see" she responded surprised " least you start hanging out with other guys. And my brother is pretty nice soooo...." She added with a slight smirk.

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