Chapter 4: Pool Part 2

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Main Pool Area

Jude's POV:

As Brandon, Connor, and I came out of the men's locker room, it looked like the girls beat us because moms, Callie, and Mariana were already outside in their bathing suits.
"I am going to go get a set of chairs to keep our bags at, you guys can go start swimming" mama said as she started her search for a chair.
"Where do you want to go, the high dive, volleyball, or just swimming" I asked Connor as we started to walk around.
"Definitely the high dive" Connor replied. But once he said those four words my stomach dropped because that was the one thing I didn't want him to pick. We started to walk around the perimeter of the pool until we got to the high dive on the deep end of the pool.
"I'll go first" Connor said as he already started to climb the ladder.
Jude whispered to himself "Good."

Connor POV:

"Ok we are finally at the top" I said as I approached the last bar of the ladder. I would have to say the high dive was about eight meters off the ground. Just then I saw that Jude had climbed to the top bar on the ladder.
"Got room for me" Jude said as he already was sitting on the board. I was at the very end of the board looking down at the water, I was regretting coming up here. I looked over at Jude and I could tell he was terrified because he was shaking. I was about to lean in and kiss him but I couldn't because of all the people looking at us. Then I knew I had to jump so I closed my eyes and did it. The air was very cool and then I thought it is over and done with, I jumped and my body slammed into the water and I created a huge wave of water.
Once I swam back up to the water I looked up to the board and said to Jude "Ok, it is your turn." Jude didn't say a word, he just looked down at me. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."
"I am going to go" Jude screamed back at me. And then I saw Jude jump, he closed his eyes like I did but the best part of being down he is that I could see up Jude's bathing suit. He wasn't wearing underwear underneath but I couldn't see any male body parts. Then Jude's body hit the water and he landed right on his behind. A huge wave of water hit me right when Jude hit the water. I saw Jude go over to the corner of the pool and I had no clue what he was doing. I didn't know if he was leaving me or if he was hurt.
"JUDE, Jude what are you doing" I screamed out as he sat in the water with his back to the corner of the pool. I swam over to Jude who had his hands covering his private parts. I looked down once I swam to him and I couldn't see his male parts, still, but I did notice that his shorts were split in half floating behind me, I then saw what he was embarrassed about.
"Do you have any spare bathing suits" Jude asked as I looked around to see any nearby towels.
"No" I replied, but then I noticed a towel that belonged to the public pool right next to... wait, is that Daria next to the towel.
"I'm going to go get that towel over there, be right back" I said as I started to get out of the pool.
"WAIT" Jude screamed as I started to get out, so I dropped back into the pool. Then Jude whispered the rest "You can't leave me here naked, what if someone sees me."
So I did the only thing I could do "Hey Daria."
"Oh, hey Connor, what are you..." Then I interrupted
"Can you hand me that towel."
"I will" Daria said "But only if you answer one question." I nodded my head in response. "Why did you leave me" she said.
"I like someone else" I said as I looked down at the water that I was still in. Then I looked over to Jude who I was still covering with my body
"Who" Daria asked.
Then I regret saying I liked someone else. Then I thought to myself, should I tell her I like Jude or lie. I then picked to lie, but then the words "I like Jude" slipped out of my mouth.
Daria then shook her head like she was angry and threw the towel at me and said "Whatever" as she walked away. I picked up the towel that now weighs five pounds more now that it was soaked and I wrapped it around Jude. "Lets go home" I said to Jude as we got out of the pool, got our stuff, and went home.

Author's Note:

What will Connor and Jude do tomorrow at school, will Daria tell anyone about Jude and Connor, and do Brandon and Mariana know about Jonnor. STAY TUNED👍👍👍👍👍

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