Chapter 17: Lena's B-Day Part 2

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Jude's House

Jude's POV:

I sat down at the wooden table outside my house where my mama's birthday was going on. Connor then followed me and sat down beside me when Lena's mom approached me. "Hey Jude" she says "It felt like I haven't seen you in forever."
Then I say as I laugh "You saw me two weeks ago."
"That is a long time to wait for me" she replies "And I see you will be getting all the ladies with that new haircut of yours."
"I am already in a relationship" I say as I look over to Connor and he was surprised I was about to tell her. I couldn't tell if he wanted me to say it or not, but I wanted to.
"With who" she says.
I reply with "Connor." I look at Connor to see he has been looking at me blankly. I look back at grandma to see she was looking at me the same. "I am going to go get a drink, come on Connor" I say as I get up and start to leave.

Connor's POV:

I walked into Jude's house and see no one is in there. I go over to the sink to get a drink and I can't believe Jude told his grandmother about him and I. Once I get a drink, I ask Jude "Why did you tell you grandma."
"Literally every person in our school knows about us, and how did you think I felt when you told Daria about us." I then felt dumb that I said that.
"Now I feel dumb" I reply.
Jude then looked me straight in the eye and said "Don't ever feel dumb, you are smart, athletic, and amazing." I then look at the ground and think about what he just said. Tears started to come out of my eyes and I go over and hug Jude. When I hugged him, I never wanted to let go, I love him. Jude then pulls away from my hug and I see tears in his eyes.
Then Jude says "How about we go out there to the dance floor and show everyone how to really dance." I then giggle from him saying that as we lock our hands and head outside.

Mariana's POV:

I am so happy that Matt came to mama's birthday because in my opinion the party kind of stinks. I was sitting on the porch step with Matt by my side watching people dance, and by people I mean Jonnor and Lena and Stef. Then Matt asks me "Can I stay at your house for maybe two nights because we are going back on tour and I have no place to stay."
Without thinking about where he will stay in my house, I say "Sure, I will go ask moms when they are done dancing."
Finally after Stef and Lena was done dancing, I approach Stef and say "Hey mom."
"Hey hun" she replies.
"Can Matt stay here for two days because he doesn't have a place to stay" I say in response.
"Where will he stay in our house." That is the one question I didn't want her to ask.
"He could sleep in Callie's bed, and Callie can sleep in Jesus' bed" I answer.
"One problem, Connor is going to start sleeping in that bed."
"Well can't he sleep in a sleeping bag for two nights."
"I suppose. Fine tell Matt he can stay here and I will tell Callie she is going to be sleeping in Jude's room."

Jude's POV:

It was time for cake. Everyone at the party just sang happy birthday to Lena and she blew out the candles. I love cake, it is my favorite dessert. I was standing in line with Connor to get a slice until Stef approaches us and starts to talk. "So Connor, you will be sleeping in Jesus' bed starting on Thursday. For the next two days Callie will be sleeping in Jesus' bed because Matt is going to be staying here. That mean Connor you will be sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor."
Then I say "Why can't Connor sleep with me."
"Honey" Stef says "I don't want you two to... you know."
"We won't though" I reply, and I am starting to get angry at her.
"But just in case you two can't..." Then I interrupt her by say "Callie and Wyatt slept together, Mariana and Matt slept together, and for all hell I know Jesus and Lexi probably slept together."
"But..." I cut her off again with tears in my eyes "You know what forget it" and I start to speed walk to the house. I go through the kitchen and up to my bed. I lie there and think about Connor and I's relationship, how this isn't fair, how life is just a game. Then I hear a knock on the door and before I say come in, the door opens and I see Connor standing there, tears were also in his eyes.
He starts to talk "Do you think we shouldn't be together." I look over to him and I think why would he say that. "I am ruining your life" he says again.
"I already ruined yours, I got you kicked out of your house and... I don't care if my life gets ruined, I just want to be in a relationship with you."
"It wasn't your fault I got kicked out of my house" Connor says as he sits on my bed. "It was my homophobic dad's fault. I think I am going to go back to my house after the party and see if I am allowed to go home. Before I do that, can I have a dance" Connor says as he grabs my iPad and turns on music. I get up as we start to slow dance.

Author's Note:

How will Adam appreciate Connor's sudden appearance, is Stef mad at Jude for being angry, what will Callie be like when she moves into Jude's room. STAY TUNED👍👍👍👍👍👍

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