Chapter 8: JUST STOP

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Tuesday Afternoon
Anchor Beach

Jude's POV:

My last period of the day was going to end in less then a minute. Once it ends Connor and I are going to go confront Carl, Logan, and Justin about the number.
Then the bell rang. I left my last period class and head to my locker to put away my textbooks. I then head to Connor's locker and we walked down the hallway and took a left to find Carl, Logan, and Justin's lockers.
Once we walked to their lockers Connor said "Show us your phone numbers."
"Why do you want us to show you guys our numbers fags" Carl said.
Connor then said "Just do it!" Carl, Logan, and Justin all showed us their numbers. None of them matched. We then went to Daria's house to see if she had a matching number.

Tuesday Afternoon
Daria's House

Connor's POV:

I started to knock on the front door and someone answered.
"Hi what are you two doing here." We knew it was Daria's mother when she answered.
Then Jude spoke "Can we talk to Daria please."
"Sure she is upstairs, second room from the left" said Daria's mom. Jude and I walked up the stairs and opened the door second to the left. Daria was standing there on her phone. Right when she saw us she put her phone in her pocket then pulled out another phone.
I spoke "Show us that other phone."
She stared at us for a second and then said "Yes I am 255-777-1010."

Brandon's POV:

I was sitting at the kitchen table and I knew I had to tell moms about the video of Jude and Connor. "Hey moms, can I speak to you for a second."
Lena and Stef both came into the kitchen together and for some reason Lena was crying.
"Mama why are you crying" I said as she sat down.
"No reason, what were you going to tell us" mama said.
"Someone texted me during school, they texted me a video of Jude and Connor making out."
Then mom spoke "We got the text too, that's why we are upset."

Jude's House

Jude's POV:

I was standing in front of my front door about to come in. Connor and I were holding hands. I then opened the door and I saw Brandon and moms at the kitchen table. Connor and I entered the kitchen and all three of them stared at us.
Finally Brandon said something "there is a video of..."
Then I interrupted "We know about the video that Daria sent to Callie of us making out."
"DARIA recorded the video" Mariana said as she entered the room.
"Raise your hand if you received the video of Jude and I" Connor said. Mariana, Brandon, and moms raised their hands. "Jude and I went to Daria's house and she said she recorded it all because she was jealous that I was dating someone else. She also said if we don't break up, then she will send the video to everyone in school" Connor spoke.
"I will deal with this" Lena said as she grabbed her purse and started to head for the front door.
"Wait Lena" Connor said "Can I spend the night at your house, my dad extended his visit to my grandparents house so he won't be home until tomorrow."
"Sure Connor" mom said as she walked out the door.

Tuesday Night
Jude's House

Connor's POV:

Since everyone in Jude's house knows about us, I can sleep in Jude's bed with him. We were playing video games until I decided to say,
"Hey Jude, wanna get changed for bed."
"Sure" Jude said turning off the video games. Jude grabbed his pajamas and head for the bathroom until I said
"Jude, we are boys, we can get changed in front of each other.
"Fine" Jude said.
"I am just going to sleep in my underwear tonight because it is extremely hot out" I say even though it is only 55 degrees fahrenheit. I start to pull off my jeans revealing my boxer briefs that were blue with white stripes. And then I took off my shirt and put on an undershirt.
I could tell Jude really didn't want to get changed in front of me, but I really wanted to see him change. Then Jude took off his shorts but then quickly put on his pajama pants along with an undershirt.
"Lets get to bed" I say as I climb into Jude's bed as he follows.
I give Jude a kiss, then get into it. I stick my tongue into Jude's mouth as he does the same. But then I start to get really into it. I start to suck on Jude's neck and like last time, he does the same. Then I start to slide down Jude's pajama pants and take them off. Now Jude and I are kissing with our pants off. I then start to take off Jude's shirt. I reveal is skinny body and he starts to take off my shirt revealing my fit body.
We are now both in our underwear making out. Up to this point I have not seen... any more of Jude then I am seeing now so I think I am ready.
I start to slide down Jude's underwear very slowly but right before the top of Jude's underwear is about to reveal his private area, Callie opens the door and sees us both in our underwear kissing.
Callie then comes over to me and says "Get your pants on" as she throws me my pants "And get out of my house."

10 Minutes Later

Jude's POV:

I put on my shirt as I sit in my bed crying. It is like a dam just broke behind my eyes revealing a bunch of water. Callie then came back into my room. She just threw out Connor.
"You know I am just trying to protect you" Callie says.
"Well stop! JUST STOP CALLIE! You are making things worse! I want to date Connor, I could careless about what everyone says!"
"Jude I am..."
"Stop Callie, just stop" I say as I leave my room and lock myself in the bathroom.
"Jude you can't stay in there all night." I didn't respond.

Author's Note:

Will Connor ever come back to Jude's house, is Jonnor over, did Jude go silent, what did Lena do and say to Daria. STAY TUNED👍👍👍👍👍👍

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