Chapter 13: Lunch with Jonnor

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Hopefully I don't offend anyone.

Anchor Beach

Connor's POV:

Lunchtime is something I look forward to in a school day. I walk outside and to Jude and I's usually lunch table. Jude was already waiting for me so when he saw me he smiled and motioned me to come over.
I walk over to the table and Jude says "Hey love" and I lean in to give him a kiss.
"Hey" I say in a high pitched voice. Then I thought to myself, either that was a voice crack or... I am getting the voice that other gay people have (no offense.) I then sit down and open my brown bagged lunch.
"So are you still coming shopping with Callie, Brandon, and I for my mom's birthday party tomorrow" Jude says.
"Yeah" I say to Jude as I notice Taylor was coming over to us. Then she sat down on the opposite side of the bunch.
She then says "Can I sit here."
"Sure" I say in response "Don't you normally sit with Daria."
"I would but she got suspended since she sent the video of you guys to Jude's family so she will be gone for the last week of school. Because of that she is going to miss all the finals so she is going to have to take summer school."
"Wait, wait, wait" Jude says "How do you know about the video."
Taylor then stared at us for a few seconds without saying anything. She finally spoke and said "Daria asked me to help her send the videos to your family, but I regret doing it."
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO US" Jude now screamed. "You showed my family a video of Connor and I and now my family knows we made out." Jude then picked up his lunch and walked away. I then ran after him leaving my food behind. Jude then walked into the school and into the bathrooms.

Jude's POV:

I was very angry at Taylor when she said she helped Daria make the video. I actually thought Taylor was my friend. When she said she helped make the video I ran into the bathroom and into the stall.
Then I heard a voice come in and say "Jude." I knew straight away it was Connor because who else would follow me in and the bathroom, and when the person said Jude they had a voice crack, or the gay voice coming in (no offense.)
"Connor?" I say in response. Then I opened the bathroom stall door and Connor was standing in front of the almost closed door.
"Why did you run into the bathroom" Connor asks as I walk over to him.
"I just hate how people think gay people are disgusting or different then the average human. I just... I just wish sometimes I wasn't gay."
"I wish that sometimes too, like when my dad spanks me, but if we were not gay, we wouldn't be together. I love you" Connor says as he leans in and kisses me.
"I love you too" I say as Connor and I start to walk out of the bathroom.

Logan's POV:

I was on my phone texting Carl and Justin about some big news that just happened:

Logan: Look what I got http/video
Carl: You got a video of the two fagots kissing each other.
Justin: They even said I love you lol
Carl: I can blackmail them with it
Logan: Sounds like a plan.

I then turned off my phone and head into the bathroom.

Connor's POV:

Jude and I walked outside to our lunch table where I see Taylor had left our table. I then went over to the table and picked up my lunch and said "We should head to math class.
Jude then nodded his head and said "Ok" in the high pitched voice that I sounded like earlier (no offense.) These are not voice cracks.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to get this one out of the way. How will Carl blackmail Jude and Connor later on, what will go on at Lena's birthday party, why did Taylor leave Jude and Connor's table at lunch. STAY TUNED👍👍👍👍👍👍

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