Chapter 9: Laying Down Laws

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Anchor Beach

Jude's POV:

I have gone silent. Last night I slept in my bathtub. I would of stayed in there all day today but everyone had to use the bathroom, so I had to leave. At school, first period was about to be over and when it is, I have to see Connor. Finally class was over and I walked down the hall to Connor's locker. I see Connor stuffing books in his locker so I go up to him and put my hands around his waist and give him a kid on the cheek. Connor turns around and... he has a black eye, and cut eyebrow, a cut lip, and another cut on his forehead.
Connor said "Before you ask, my dad did this, he really said he had to go to my grandparents house, but that was a lie. He just wanted to be home alone and when I came home he saw the marks you left on my neck. He gave me a black eye, then I ran into a table trying to get away from him, I then cut my forehead and eyebrow, as well as my lip." I then gave Connor a hug. I then tried to talk, but the words just couldn't come out of my mouth. I was trying to say, I am sorry, but I couldn't. "Let's go to math Jude" Connor says.

Callie's POV:

I was sitting in Lena's office, talking about Jude. "I didn't want him to go silent, I just didn't want him to get bullied" I say to Lena who is sitting at her desk while I am standing in front of the table.
"I understand, but why..."
"The reason I made Jude go silent was because I kicked Connor out after I saw them making out half naked" I say which shocks Lena.
"Callie, can you go get Jude and Connor." I then walked out of my mom's office and I had to find Jude and Connor. But then the bell rang so I will have to find them after class.

60 Minutes Later

Connor's POV:

The bell then rang. I went out of my Spanish class and walked down the hall to Lena's office. Halfway through class my teacher got a phone call that said I was needed at the vice principle's office after this period. Once I reached Lena's office, I open the door and see Jude sitting on a chair in front of Lena's desk. Jude then smiled as I walked in, then he pulled up a seat for me.
"What happened to your face" Lena said before I even sat down.
"I fell down a stair case" which was a lie "what did you call us down for" I say.
Then Lena spoke "So I understand you guys made out twice behind my back, the first time got on tape while the second time you two were shirtless." I stared at Lena with a blank expression on my face. I then looked at Jude who had the same expression. Who told Lena we made out... Callie.
"So I am going to have to make another rule" Lena said "You guys cannot go upstairs alone for a week if you come to our house Connor, that means that I am sorry Connor but there is no sleepovers for one week. Also you guys cannot leave the house as well." I then nodded my head and same did Jude who was still not talking.
Then we heard the office door open and it was Mariana. She was screaming "MOM, MOM, Jesus is in the hospital!" At first I didn't believe until Mariana said why "During a party at his camp, he got drunk and fell out his apartment window."


Connor's POV:

I was at the hospital waiting room with  Jude to my right with water in his eyes and Callie, Mariana, Lena, Brandon, and Stef all to my right. Originally I wasn't going to go to the hospital with the Foster family but since they were in a hurry, I came along.
Then someone came into the waiting room and said is Mrs. Foster here. Lena and Stef then stood up. The man came up to Lena and Stef and said "I am sorry... but your son Jesus... pasted.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this episode was boring. How will the Adams Foster handle the lose, will Jude and Connor obey their new rules, by the way, this chapter is the end of part one of Jude and Connor.

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