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"Sup shortie."

"1 I am not short, I'm vertically challenged. And 2 who the frazzle is this?"

"What are you 5?"

"No....I'm 5 and 3 😜quarters so that technically makes you a pervert."

"Just because I own a white van and lure kids in with candy does not make me a pervert."

"Dude loose my # I'm calling the police."

"They'll never catch me!"

"And if they do, I'll say that you are my accomplice 😈"

"Okay fine I won't turn you in, but when getting rid of the evidence don't use bleach."

"Obviously that's murder 101, who do you think I am? A noobie?"

"Just looking out for a friend 😒"

"So we're friends?😏"

Read at 9:30pm


Read at 9:35pm

"What ever buddy. Good night, I have kids to abduct."

"Good night Blondie."

Read at 9:42pm

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