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4/20/17 {A/n: 4-20 blazing🤘🏽 where's the blow baby?🌬}
Marano house

Laura's pov

I can't believe he would think every thing would be fine. I don't understand how his mind works at all.

I haven't been able to sleep so I'm just sitting on the couch staring at the blank flat screen upside down.

Ugh. I was starting to actually like this mystery guy, turns out he isn't so mysterious after all.

We might know each other but in my mind he's still some stranger who called me ugly, nerdy, Walmart, and a Bitch. What hurt the most was he knows how much I hate Walmart he could of at least said I was a Sam's club or Target.

A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts and I assume it's Nessa since her plane should've landed already.

I answer the door in my sports bra and short shorts and my face literally drops when seeing who it was.

"Ross? What the hell are you doing here and how the hell do you know where I live?" My mouth is open and my eyes are probably as wide as saucers.

He steps inside and closes the door. His eyes slowly staring my body up and down. Ugh how rude. But it's kinda hot.

"We need to talk Laur, you.."

"Laura. It's Laura to you, you bag of douches."

"Okay Laura, we need to talk. I miss you and I need you to hear me out. You're my best friend. My Ally to my Austin."

"I was but I'm not anymore Ross. You personified me as a Walmart! And you know I hate that place. That was low even for you."

"Fuck! Laur stop being a child, I'm being serious you know as well as I do that you're not a Walmart. You're arguably a Victoria's Secret or maybe a Macy's"

"Eww not Macy's" I lightly chuckle and look at him. He's grown taller and his face is more chiseled. But what catches my attention is the look of distress in his features.

"Laura you've gotta believe me. I meant none of what I said back then and I've been regretting those simple words for about a year now. You're what brings a smile to my face and I -I l-lo-loathe not being able to hang out with you or vent to you or do anything with you. Please "

His tone sounds defeated and I know he means every word, but I feel like he's holding something back. Eh it's probably just indigestion.

To be honest I should've heard him out at first. Buuuuuuttt... I'm extremely stubborn and petty. So yea I forgive him.

"Okay I forgive you Lynch, and just so you know I missed being your friend too." I pull him into a hug and he rests his head on my shoulder as I listen to his erratic heart beat.

"Best. You mean you miss being my Best friend." His words vibrate against my neck causing me to giggle a bit.

"Yea, best friends." We sway back and forth and I let out a yawn.

"Laura, where are your clothes? Not saying I don't like the view but..what if I was a predator?" I scoff.

"Last time I checked you own a dirty white van with ice cream stickers, just to lure kids into your trap." He lets out a fake offended gasp and brings his hand to his chest.

"Kids Laura, only kids. You, I cannot take advantage of even though you weigh less than my 13 year old cousin" he tries to hold in his smile but fails miserably.

I dramatically roll my eyes. "Oh whatever."

"You know I don't really kidnap children." His thumb and forefinger grip my chin so that we have to make eye contact.

"No I just thought you did and I haven't called the police yet because I find it attractive." It's hard to focus on my words because to be honest his eyes are surprisingly mesmerizing.

"Shut up boo." My heart!

I bite my lip and whisper."No."

He leans in but I'm confused on what he's trying to do so I scrunch my nose up in confusion and he leans back. "I should head home."

We finally part and I open the door. Before he leaves I kiss him on the cheek an whisper in his ear.

"Text Me"

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