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*Flash Back*

Ross Pov

I'm on my way to the A&A reunion with my girlfriend Courtney. Nobody knows about us yet officially, of course there's pictures from the fandom, but today's the first time I'll be confirming with the cast and crew.

Once we arrive I take her hand and we walk through the door. As soon as we walk in everyone's faces light up then drop when seeing Courtney.

Laura's the first to speak "Uhm heeey, Ross not to be rude but who's that?" She clears her throat pointing at Courtney.

"This is my girlfriend, Courtney Eaton." I raise our attached hands and kiss Courtney on the cheek.

Every one looks confused but they try to hide it and continue the party as if we weren't here.

I look at Courtney and shrug walking towards the cast.

"Sup, guys!" The group stiffens and just stare putting on fake smiles.

What?! Once again Laura breaks the silence. "Hey guys and by the way Courtney you look gorgeous." Courtney smiles a genuine smile and thanks her returning the compliment.

The night goes on and everyone gets comfortable with Courtney.

Once the night is over me and my date leave. Court's raving about how beautiful Laura is. She keeps saying she's nothing compared to Laura and I hate seeing her put herself down so I try to cheer her up.

"Courtney you're way better than Laura. She's Walmart and you're Chanel. If I thought she was better than  you I would be with her not you. She's an ugly nerd. You're the one I want. So stop comparing yourself to that bitch."

Courtney looks uneasy but nods and kisses me. I hear a cough and we break apart and see Laura holding Courtney's jacket.

"Here you go Court. See ya." They hug and I see tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry Laur he was just saying that to bring up my confidence none of it's true." Court tries to convince her.

Laura just shakes her head and tries to smile through the tears. "It's okay Court, it's not like he's my best friend or anything important like that. As of now he's an irrelevant ass stranger who can forget about ever contacting me because I want nothing to do with him." Court looks defeated and I'm devastated.

Laura walks away to her car forgetting about the party. I try to call her back to explain but when I shout her name she drives off with her middle finger out the window.

Yea, fuck me! What am I supposed to do. I lost my best friend.

After weeks of texting her I now know what I'm missing. And it's her. Court and I broke up a month ago since she was planning on moving back to Australia. And I thought I loved her but this feeling that I'm...feeling is way stronger.

I'm no longer going to sit here and mope I'm going to visit her. And she's going to hear me out.

Because I-i love her.

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