The End

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"Hey babe I'm at the store anything else we need at home?"

"Um yea, some diapers."

"What do we need diapers for?"

"Wait holy shit Laur, are you pregnant?"

"Yea, unless the doctor lied to me."

"So you're not sick, you're pregnant?"

"That's what I said moron."


"I've always wanted to be the father of your children!"

"Um it's not yours"

"Stfu Laura I know it's mine."

"😂😂you're right!"

"Fuck it I'll go shopping later I'm on my way home."

"I love you so fucking much!"

"Are you crying?"


"Okay yes."

"😂you're already an emotional reck."

"No it's fine, I'm fine. I just love you so much."

"I love you even more and I'm going to the love our baby just as much, if not more because it'll be ours."

"Okay get your ass home pronto"

"And Ross?"


"Thank you for being my best friend, the best husband, and I'm thanking you in advance for being the best father."

"Boo, I would be nothing without you so thank you for providing yet another reason for me to live on this Earth."

"You're welcome, it's just second nature for me to just be better than everybody else."

"Wow I feel like you're not getting the overall message."

"I'm just kidding I do and I love you, and we can't wait for you to come home"

Read at 8:45pm

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