An event to remember

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You started hooping from one foot to the other anxiously. Your fingers tapped on the sides of your legs impatiently.
"This is the longest line EVER!" You groaned and leaned over, touching your legs with your hands and swinging your arms. Being the impatient fifteen year old you were, coupled with the fact that you were ADHD, tripled with the fact that you were in line to see you favorite band ever, made you even more antsy than usual. When you tried to explain this to your boyfriend, Nico, he just rolled his eyes.
"You're like this everyday, (y/n). Have you ever just... Relaxed?" He said quietly and chuckled. Nico never spoke very loud, and he rarely looked people in the eye when he talked to them. Very different from your talkative and, at times, obnoxious self.
"Relax? Have you ever been able to relax, Nico?" You blew some of your (h/c) hair out of your face and stared at him with your (e/c) eyes, making him blush.
"W-Well, I'm pretty relaxed all the time... Except for the occasional tapping and jitteryness," he shrugged and looked down.
"Are you embarrassed?" You asked, looking away also.
"Embarrassed?! Me?! Of course not. I don't get embarrassed, (y/n)!" Nico put in a cocky grin and strutted out his chest. "I am Nico di Angelo, son of Hades! Child of the shadows! Friend of (y/n), foe of everyone else!" Nico put a bravo in his voice that you had never heard before. It made him sound... Sexy.
You blushed and waved that thought away as fast as you could.
Several people looked at Nico weirdly and you burst out laughing. Nico's smile wavered and he looked around at all the people staring at him and he slumped.
"That was an amazing imitation of Percy," you whispered as you moved ahead in the line.
"Nah, Percy is more sassy. Persassy."
"Persassy. Hmm, I like it!" You smiled and put your arm around his shoulder.
He glanced at your hand on his shoulder and then looked at your face with his big brown eyes.
Your heart may or may not have melted just then at the look he was giving you.
"Hey, lovebirds, care to move up?" A voice snickered behind you. You looked back and smile/glared at the person. You took Nico's hand and skipped to the entrance of the building, squealing with delight.
"Oh my gods! I'm so excited I could... I'm going to... I think I'm gonna be sick... Nico," you started breathing heavily and ran your hands through your hair.
"(Y/n), calm down. You listen to these people everyday. You look at pictures of them everyday. Listening to them in real life probably won't be any different. Except there won't be any auto tune," Nico took you hands and held them to his chest. He smiled at you with adoration and your heart fluttered.
"Thanks, sorry, I know I'm over reacting but... I've never been to a concert and I love today so much! It's the best day ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You shrieked and Nico covered his ears and winced, but grinned at you brightly. You grabbed his face and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush furiously.
"W-Why'd you do that?" Nico stammered and he put a hand to his face where you kissed him.
"Because I wanted to. Duh," you rolled your eyes and walked into the building, excitement accumulating in your chest.

When you walked in, all the lights were on making the arena seem a lot less impressive. The humongous stage was set up with tons of lights and wires and a giant chandelier hung from the ceiling, seeming out of place.
"Where do we sit again?" You mumbled as you looked around eagerly. You assumed you were somewhere in the back of the stadium, maybe the middle.
Nico smiled and grabbed your hand again and continued to lead you to the front. You got lower, and lower, until you were nearly in the front row.
"You're kidding me. There is now way you got us seats in the flipping front row," you said quietly, looking at him with wide eyes. Nico shrugged and looked down.
"You are the most amazing person I've ever met, Nico di Angelo," you squealed again and hugged him at least ten times.
"Yeah, yeah. I know," he grinned and sat down, pulling you next to him.
As the lights dimmed, your knees were bouncing and you were screaming and clapping with everyone else.
As the four singers each came onto the stage, Nico could barely contain his laughter.
Poseidon, a dark haired, blue eyed teen came into the stage grinning and waving.
Apollo, a red head with bright blue eyes winked as he stood next to Poseidon.
The third guy, Hephaestus, was tall and burly, with shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes. He smiled shyly at you and Nico growled.
The last boy, Hades, was the most surprising. His black hair hung in his face, his dark eyes barely acknowledging all the screaming fans around him. His face showed absolute boredom and his slumped shoulders and dark clothing made you think of Nico.
"Hades? Are you kidding me? That kid doesn't look anything like dad!" Nico fumed as you swooned over them.
The four teenagers raised their hands at the same time and bowed, creating an eruption of applause from everyone. You screamed so hard your voice cracked.
You looked at Nico's grim and annoyed face and giggled. You pulled on his arm and he leaned in towards you.
"they look pretty ridiculous, don't they?" You asked loudly.
He nodded and smiled. "Especially that Hades kid. Who does he think he is? Traipsing around like he's the God of the underworld. You've got to be kidding me," he looked at you for support and you furrowed your eyebrows and smiled.
"Actually, he was my favorite," you said innocently. Nico gaped at you and folded his arms in front of his chest. He slumped down into his chair and glared at the boys in the stage.
You laughed and leaned in to talk to him again.
"He reminds me a lot of you, son of Hades," you said and kissed him on the cheek again. He smiled softly and sat up a bit straighter.

As the concert went on, you sang loudly to every song and caught the attention of the four singers. Your enthusiasm and voice seemed to entertain them and Nico eventually sang along with you.
"Even though you're gone and won't be comin back
I just can't seem to move on without you, giiiiirl..." You sang until you heard the boys stop singing and Nico grabbed your hand tightly.
You opened your (e/c) eyes and looked around in confusion.
They were all standing in front of you; Poseidon, Apollo, Hephaestus, and Hades, all of them grinning down at you. You swallowed nervously and flushed. You waved and smiled feebly.
Hades held his hand out to you and you gasped, making the crowd cheer louder.
You looked at Nico, and he raised his eyebrows and beamed.
Go, go! He mouthed to you and you smiled so wide your face seemed to brake.
You took Hades' hand and he lifted you up onto the stage with ease.
He put his mouth to your ear and you shivered with excitement.
"Do you know the words to Andromeda?" He asked. His voice was sweeter then you expected and you blushed.
"Yep. I know all the words to everything," you smirked at his surprise and he nodded in approval.
"Does your friend know the words too?"
You gazed at Nico who was leaning forward in his seat, hands tapping his thighs, feet bouncing.
"Nico doesn't know most of the words, but he doesn't mind me singing all the time. He's actually my boyfriend... I think?" You shrugged and scuffed your foot against the stage.
Hades nodded and grinned. He pulled you to center stage and you started shaking.
"Hey, everybody! This is (y/n) (l/n), and she's going to help me sing this next song called, andromeda!" Hades called out to the audience. Nico and I locked eyes and you could tell he was wondering the same thing: how did this guy know your first and last name?
As Hades sang the beautiful lyrics, you filled in with some pretty dang good harmonies. (Because it's not like you would get nervous on stage or anything)
The audience sang along and started waving their arms.
Suddenly, he held the microphone up to your face and you spit out the words, "someone save me from this world I've come to know," and then the microphone was gone. You nearly feinted when you had to sing, so it was a huge relief when the song finally ended.
"Good job, kid. I didn't expect a Poseidon kid to have a voice," Apollo made that sound like a compliment.
"Excuse me?!" You nearly shrieked, but remembered you were on a stage with lots and lots of people looking at you.
"That's not very nice to say, Apollo. I'm sure not all Apollo demigods are good singers. Right, (y/n)?" Hephaestus asked you and you stared at him dumbstruck. These couldn't actually be the actual gods... Could they?
"See? She's speechless at how dumb you are, metal head. Hurry up, Water Boy," Apollo said rudely to Poseidon. You rose and eyebrow and looked at Apollo.
"I'm going to tell all the girls I know what a jerk you are," you stated, then turned your face away from him.
"Well then! We're going to have to continue this after the performance, okay?" Hephaestus intervened. Hades and Poseidon were huddled together, and didn't even seem to notice you leave.
You plopped down next to Nico and sighed.
"What was that all about?" Nico asked worriedly. "They didn't say anything mean to you, did they?" He took your hand and glared at the four boys-gods-whatever.
"Nico... I think those are actually them," you whispered. He looked at you incredulously, and you began to tell him what the singers had talked about.

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