Feel Better

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Nico was grinning at you evilly from across the table.
"I beat you!" He exclaimed, putting down his last uno card and jumping from his chair.
You sighed and started cleaning up the mess of cards you two had made. It had been a long day, and you were ready for some peace and quiet, away from everyone else... Except maybe Nico.
Nico sat back down and put his head on the table, silently watching you with his big brown eyes.
"Are you ok?" He asked, reaching out and grabbing one of your hands. He started rubbing it softly with his thumb.
"I guess." You sighed and held his hand tightly. "Just a little sick of people, ya know?"
Nico got up from his chair to kneel next to yours. He looked up at you with concern.
"You're never sick of people, that's my job!" He laughed and you frowned.
"Alright, what happened," Nico said.
"Do you know Sam Plaith?"
Nico nodded at your question, his expression darkening. Your heart fluttered at his concern.
"Last weekend when you were visiting Hazel in Rome, I went to one of his infamous parties just to see if the rumors were true. They are." You laughed when he gaped at you. You twisted a lock of your (h/c) hair around your finger.
"At the party," you whispered, "Sam came over to where I was standing and he offered me a drink-"
"You said no, of course," Nico growled.
"Of course! So Sam asks if I want this drink, I say no, and he starts trying to flirt with me, right? A drunk college boy starts flirting me... What could go wrong? So then I try to shove him away. Sam-" your voice cracks and you put your head in your hands.
"It's ok, honey. You don't have to keep going," Nico whispers, patting you on the knee.
"Shut up di Angelo, I'm just taking a break!" You yell. Taking a deep breath, you continue in a very quiet voice, "Sam grabbed my butt and kissed me. He practically tried to eat my face off, and his tongue was..." You shudder and start crying. Nico's grip on your leg was getting extremely tight to the point it was painful, so you grabbed his hand to levitate some of the inevitable bruising.
"I promise, Nico, I got out of that building as soon as possible and I didn't want him to kiss me. But now Sam keeps... Following me. I feel like I see him everywhere and it scares me." You felt tears streaming down your face, so you covered it with your hands because you didn't want Nico to see.
When he didn't speak for a few minutes you looked up and around for him.
Nico was trying to pore himself some wine, but the wine bottle was shaking so violently the wine was spilling everywhere.
"What are you doing? I tell you about this and you decide to have a drink?" Your voice was hoarse but you were too angry to care.
Nico put down the bottle and walked over to you quickly. You stood up and crossed your arms.
Nico wrapped his arms around you and kissed you roughly. His mouth clashed against yours so urgently, you stifled a gasp. You pushed against him and he immediately let you go. Unlike Sam.
Nico's eyes and face had hurt written all over them and he reached out to you, but let his arms drop.
"I'm going to kill him." Nico growled. He went back over to the wine, took a few large gulps from the bottle, then he strode back to you, still carrying the wine.
"I don't think I'll feel anything except for satisfaction after killing him, but just in case," Nico waved the bottle and started walking out the front door.
"Nico..." You sighed and ran out the door after him.

He was already jogging down the street to Sam's fraternity house, so you sprinted after him.
"Nico, stop. Nico!" You grabbed his shoulders to make him look at you. His dark hair fell in his face and he wouldn't look you in the eye.
"You can't kill him. As much as I would love that, I would hate it if you were arrested." You brushed the hair from his eyes, they held insane amount of anger behind the tears.
"Sam can't do this to you. You're amazing and perfect and beautiful, but he just..." Nico threw the bottle on the pavement and you winced.
"Why did I have to go to f*cking Rome?!" He shouted and started stomping to the frat house once again.
"Nico... Stop... Running!" You gasped as you sprinted after him some more.

You wrestled his arms down and hugged him to you tightly.
"Calm down. Let's go back to the house, ok?" You whispered, stroking his hair lightly. You felt him shake his head, and he hugged you tighter.
"Come on," you said, pulling him with you back to your house.

"(Y/n), I wish you would have told me sooner," Nico said later.
"You would have reacted the exact same." You snuggled into him.
After that... Episode earlier, Nico and you had gone back to your house and watched The Little Mermaid, which had significantly calmed him down.
"I'm so sorry." Nico kissed your forehead. "I should have done something. Anything. Sam can't get away with this."
You nodded and put your hand in his soft hair. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"He won't." You murmured.
You kissed Nico softly, just on the corner of his mouth.
"I love you," he whispered, taking your chin in his hand and gazing at you with his silly grin.
"Mm hmm," you kissed him some more.
His lips traveled down your neck and stopped at your collar bone.
You sighed and ran your hands through his hair some more.
Nico continued to kiss your favorite spots; that place right under your ear, and right above your clavicle.
Nico stopped kissing and turned away from you.
"You butt!" You exclaimed, pulling him down with you on the couch.

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