Camp Fireworks

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(Sorry, the title isn't creative at all. Thank you, MilaBobila123321  for the suggestion!)

Chiron had made the announcement during lunch. Because it was the Fourth of July, tradition called for fireworks and barbecues and being outside-- Nico wanted to have nothing to do with any of those events.

It wasn't just because he was a child of Hades who wasn't good around people, or because he wasn't ever hungry so barbecues were completely pointless. No, it was because he simply didn't fit in.

Nico wanted to be like the other demigods, happy and social, but his darker side always seemed to hold him back. The sunlight hurt his eyes, the barbecues had too much food and too many people, and the fireworks... Well, they were pretty cool. All different colors and patterns, the beautiful lights in the darkness made Nico's heart sort of happy.

But no one ever went to see them with him, so really, what was the point?


"I'm so gonna beat you, dude," Percy groaned, gritting his teeth with frustration. His whole body was flexed and his brow furrowed in concentration, but he was still grinning.

"No way, man! I'm going to end this right here, right now," Jason wheezed. His bicep was also flexed to the max, his hand gripping Percy's tightly.

"How much you want to bet Jason wins?" Piper asked no one in particular. Nico heard Annabeth's laugh, and knew he was right to believe Percy would win. There was no way Jason could beat him.

After lunch, their select group of demigod friends gathered at a picnic table, where Leo had started to arm wrestle everyone.
It didn't take long for him to be beaten, but the one winner kept going until he or she would lose. Annabeth had been beaten by Percy, then Percy had gone on to battle Jason. They had been wrestling for nearly three whole minutes, and still neither of them had won.

"C'mon man, is that the best you've got?!" Percy egged Jason on, taunting him and putting on a show of confidence Nico knew he could never pull off.

"You got this, Percy!" Annabeth cheered. Nico could see her long blonde hair and fierce gray eyes in the crowd. She and Percy had been dating for quite awhile now, and were even planning to go to college together, so the two seemed nearly inseparable. Nico was happy for them, sure, but he couldn't help wondering how anyone like him could find such joy in another person that you'd risk your life for them over and over again, sticking with them forever.

"I can't... Too much... Agh!" Jason's arm fell in defeat and the small crowd went wild. Drachmas were passed around, ice cream sandwiches traded as well.  Nico saw Annabeth grin smugly as Piper glared at Jason.
As the crowd began to disperse, a girl went up to Jason and patted his back gently.

"It's alright, Jason! You gave it your all." Her voice was sweet and kind and it made Nico's inside turn to melted butter. Jason smiled up at her, obviously grateful for some sort of consolation. The girl then went to Percy and held up her hand for a high five. Percy smacked his hand against hers, the sound echoing through the camp.
Nico could see the pain in her (e/c) eyes, but her smile remained bright.

"Great job, Percy! That was so awesome how you beat everybody like that!"
Percy gave the girl a smile and put an arm around Annabeth, who was standing by his side.

"(Y/n), it's all about the technique. If you hold your wrist a certain way, like this," Percy bent his wrist in an odd angle, "you can get anybody down. Hey, you coming to the barbecue tonight?"

Nico waited for her answer, figuring that she would say yes immediately. Who wouldn't go to a barbecue with Percy Jackson?

"Nah, I'm never too hungry. I think I'll just grab something small, then find a place to watch the fireworks. I'm so excited!" She clapped her hands together. Nico was shocked by her reply. This girl had the same plans he did!

"Alright then. See you later!" Percy called, waving. Annabeth started pulling him away towards the barbecue, but she too waved goodbye.
Nico watched as (y/n) sighed, her shoulders slumping in a way that was all too familiar to him. She began to walk in his direction, away from Percy and Annabeth and the rest of camp.

Nico straightened his body, took in a deep breath, and walked towards her.

"Hey, umm, (y/n)?" Nico called to her. She stopped walking and looked up in surprise. (Y/n) gave him a small smile, waiting for him to continue.

"I was just wondering, since you're not going to the barbecue either, do you want to watch the fireworks with me?" Nico ran a hand through his dark hair nervously, anticipating her response. Every other person he had asked declined, whether it was politely or rudely, but that didn't surprise Nico at all. If this girl said no, however, he realized he would be pretty sad. (Y/n) seemed to be at a loss, with her mouth slightly agape and her eyebrows high. He couldn't tell if this was a good sign or not.

"Look-- Nico, I'd love to but... I'm just not too good at doing things that involve other people. I don't want to ruin the fireworks for you." (Y/n) blushed and hurried away, leaving Nico feeling absolutely crummy. Did she actually mean what she said, or was that just another excuse to not see him?

Nico sighed. Of course she wouldn't want to hang out with him. He was just some freak that should've died years ago, nobody wanted him.
As Nico slowly walked to the edge of the forest, he thought about all the misfortunes of being the son of Hades.


As night fell, Nico lay down on a blanket he had snatched from the infirmary, gazing at the hundreds of stars glittering in the cloudless sky. The fireworks were due to start any minute now, and Nico was excited. But it still would've been better if (y/n) could have been there with him. She seemed so much like him in so many ways, it was almost unnerving. She didn't have a big appetite, she wasn't particularly fond of social gatherings, but really, she was scared and lonely. Nico just wanted to help her find some happiness.

He knew (y/n) was the daughter of Tyche, the goddess of good and bad luck, so he figured that (y/n) had gotten the short end of the stick. Maybe she was cursed with bad luck and really didn't want to ruin the fireworks for him. But even so, Nico wished she was there with him.

Voices echoed from every direction, squeals of laughter, crying, and all sorts of shouting and yelling that came from other campers. Nico had picked his spot perfectly, not a demigod soul for many many yards. Or so he thought.

When the grass began swaying behind him, and someone's ragged breathing hides through the air. Nico slowly sat up and scanned the area with his tired eyes. It was probably just some drunk Dionysus kid, lost in the tall grassy field, but one could never be too careful.
The breathing was getting closer, and Nico could clearly hear the person whimpering-- like they were crying. It was a girl, her hiccuping and sniffing pitiful. Nico felt bad for the girl, but he didn't want her to come to his spot and get all awkward.

The grass parted and, sure enough, a girl stood there, head lowered, shoulders shaking. The moonlight casting its glow on her form made her a beautiful sight, even if she was a sobbing mess. The girl still hadn't noticed Nico and she continued to cry, pushing through the grass until she was almost completely past him. Nico was about to let her go when he recognized her hair. It was that same short (h/c) hair he had seen earlier in the day.

"(Y/n)...?" Nico asked, wondering if this girl was who he bought she was. Her crying stopped for a second as she turned to face him, her movements jerky and quick. (Y/n)'s wide eyes stared at him, her face blotchy and flushed even in the pale moonlight. Nico felt awful for not realizing it was her sooner. What could have happened in the past few hours hat had her like this?

(Hey, sorry, this story might take awhile. High school is starting and boys I don't know are texting me, but I'll finish it as soon as I can!)

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