Camping Fun

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This story might get a little steamy. Literally.

We had been driving for hours to find the "perfect camping spot" as Nico had been putting it. For four hours, I had had nothing but Italian music and some sort of weird music that sounded like spiritual rituals, a book of Madlibs, and some corn nuts to keep me occupied. Car rides usually made me quite sick, and as much as I loved Nico and Nico's car, I hated this car ride. My stomach had just flip flopped again when he took a sharp right turn that led us to a sparkling lake of blues. There was white, white sand that looked like sugar, and towering trees with an air of majesty.

"What is this place?" I asked, forgetting my sickness as I gazed at the gorgeous sight.

"This beach belongs to my father. He's letting us borrow it for as long as we want." Nico waggled his eyebrows at me and pulled up next to the beach, parking the car and allowing my head a rest from the constant driving. Neither of us got out of the car immediately, I was too busy staring at the green grass around us and the way the sunlight shimmered on the clear water.

"I've wanted to kiss you this entire trip," Nico sighed, unbuckling his seat belt and leaning over to kiss my cheek. It caught me off guard, I hadn't been listening at all, but it wasn't a bad surprise. I unbuckled my seat belt as well and kissed him back on the lips. His tongue traced my lips and entered my mouth, as his hands made their way to my head and ran through my long hair. After a few failed attempts at getting closer to me in his driver seat, he muttered, "fuck it," and slid into the backseat. I grinned and followed soon after, taking off my shoes.

Nico pulled me to him, my legs moving to either side of his thighs as I straddled him, and my arms held behind his neck. He started kissing me again, his hands running up and down my back and getting caught on my swim suit underneath my shirt. I could feel the heat radiating off his skin in waves, making the car instantly hotter. I giggled when he pulled his shirt off, already too hot for his clothes. Nico gave me a sweet smile, then pulled me against him once more, devouring my lips with his, holding me tighter and tighter to him like he was scared to lose me. I ran my hands ragged through his dark hair, then I let them fall down to his shoulders so I could pull him closer to me as well. His heat was contagious, and I took my own shirt off simply because of the copious amount of hot he was giving off, laughing when strands of hair fell in my face as he tried to kiss me more.

"Gods, you're so gorgeous," he moaned, trailing kisses down my neck and along my collar bone. Each touch of his lips lit a bonfire on my soft skin, and I could do nothing to answer his compliments except let him kiss me. Nico lifted me up off of his lap and lay me down on my back, but quickly leaned forward to kiss my lips softly, then my jaw, my neck, getting lower and lower till he had reached my bikini top. He gave one of my breasts a light pinch, making me squeak and smack him on the shoulder. Nico chuckled, but continued going further down, placing small kisses all along my body until he reached the button to my shorts, glancing up at me for permission. As much as I wanted him to lick and kiss me at that particular moment, I knew I would want it more this evening after we had gone swimming, so I placed my hands on his flushed cheeks and shook my head.

"Not yet, hon. I've got to keep a few tricks up my sleeve for tonight, don't I?" I brushed my thumb along his cheekbone and he sighed, laying his head down on my stomach.

"You're evil." He muttered, but he continued to kiss me. Nico moved his face close to mine and tried to kiss my lips again, but I sat up and pushed him away before he could.

"Ah, ah , ah, we're not starting that again. Then I won't be able to say no again," I laughed. As I reached to open my door, I noticed that the windows had gotten steamy so you couldn't see anything outside. "Look at this mess, this is all your fault!" I hopped out of the car, smirking at Nico's pouting face.

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