Nighttime Picnics (Part Two)

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This story is not going how I planned! Crazy how that happens, right?

~Love, Craving_Eloquence

I made my way through the tall grass carefully, desperatly trying not to made as much noise so the girls couldn't hear me, because to be honest, I was terrified of them.

They had taken down one of the most powerful demigods I have ever known with ease, then picked off Jason and Leo quickly after. Sure, they weren't as good as Percy, but Leo and Jason should've been able to fend for themselves a little better. These girls had to be incredibly powerful and dangerous spirits for it to be as easy as it was to take down Percy Jackson.

But why hadn't they gotten me yet? Was it because I was the weakest? Did my father send these girls? Just when I had allowed myself to open up a little bit and have some true friendships, he had to ruin everything for me. I felt my rage surge through my veins, pumping power into every nerve. I ran some more through the grass, then stopped when I saw a light glowing dimly a few yards in front of me. If those girls hadn't already captured me, then I was positive my father had something to do with this. I strode through the grass confidently, stygian blade in hand, teenage hormonic powers at the ready. Either this demon gave me my friends back, or she was getting hacked into pieces.

As the grass parted before me, the moonlight lit a large patch of dirt nearly the size of a cabin. But in the patch was a girl no older than 15, standing frozen. I lifted my sword point blank, already trying to guess what kind of evil things she was. The girl had to have been one of my step-mother's maids or something, she was that beautiful. Her eyes twinkled like the stars above us even in this unending night.

"What are you?" I called to her, keeping my voice steady. She didn't move, didn't breathe. It was almost like she was frightened of me. I took a step closer but I kept my blade high. The girl hung her head low and gave a deep sigh before shifting her attitude entirely. She crossed her bare arms across her chest angrily, her faint mouth set in a frown.

"Do you know what you've done?!" she growled at me, taking a step forward. "Because of you, I have to sneak into the Dining Pavilion... at night! Have you ever tried that? I assure you, it's not easy."

This was no spirit, just another demigod. Then what the Hades was she doing out here?

"Where are my friends? What did I do?" I asked, sheathing my sword. I felt embarassed for thinking this camper was one of Persephone's maids. Sure, she was beautiful, but so were plenty of Aphrodite kids. This one, however, seemed more lovely than all of them put together.

"You'd have to ask Annabeth, she's the one that made the plans. As soon as we heard you dolts stomping through the forest, she had the great idea to scare you." The girl ran a hand through her messy hair, sighed again. "Annabeth assigned us a boy to scare, and you just so happened to be mine. The girl who didn't do their job was supposed to get into the pavilion and sneak some goodies for a late night picnic," she explained.

I nodded slowly. My friends were alright. The camp wasn't under attack by my father. This pretty girl had to go steal food from the pavilion because of me. Everything made sense now.

"So, umm, you're Nico, right?" She asked hesitantly. I nodded again. This whole situation seemed awkward and I didn't quite know what to do. Percy would probably make some sassy comment. Jason would woo the girl with his gentlemanliness. Leo... Leo would probably crash and burn. I had to figure this out myself, my own way.

"What's your name?" I felt like I was eight years old again, asking kids in my school for names. Back then, I didn't care as much, but with this girl, I truly wanted to know.

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