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"Why are you in here?" You asked, glaring at the boy who was curled up in a ball on his couch.
"I don't know." He muttered.
"The birthday party I organized for you, which took forever, is currently outside." You huffed and put put your hands on your hips.
"It's not my fault you made me a party! I still don't understand how you even made me one," Nico got up from the couch and mimicked your posture.
"I made you a party because I thought you wanted to have some friends over for once." You were fuming now. All that you did for him and he was acting like this?
"Why would I want friends over? All I need is my cabin, no one else! Why can't you ever understand that?" Nico started walking away, but you followed him. That stung a little.
"I need people! Other people that have personalities beyond morose and brooding so I don't become just like you. I need something to keep me a little bit optimistic!" You yelled.
Nico stopped and turned to you, his dark eyes flashing.
"Is that what you think I am? Morose and brooding all the time?"
You nodded.
"Get out. You're just like everybody else, (y/n)! I thought you were different," he cried, pushing you away from him.
You weren't leaving that easily.
"Nico di Angelo, I have done everything for you. I loved you before, I love you now. I want to help you. But you won't let me. " your lip started to tremble. "You are the most aggravating person I know, the most angry person I know, and the most hateful person I know. But you're also the only person I can talk to to..." You sighed and stared at your translucent body and torn clothes, glaring at the scars on your wrists. "My love can't compete with all that-"
"Oh shut up! You don't love me, you never loved me! I gave up my life for you so many times I lost count. I helped you defeat endless amounts of monsters. I was your first friend at Camp Half Blood," he was yelling at you with so much force that a vein was pooping out of his neck.
"You also let me die." You whispered the words softly. You no longer cried, but you could still feel the burning sensation of emotion in your face area.
"That was an accident. You're still here... You can still see all your old friends," Nico whispered, looking at his feet.
"No I can't! I can't talk to them, because they can't hear me! I can only float around and watch their lives go by from your dark, gloomy cabin!"
Nico finally looked up at you and you saw the tears in his eyes. You could feel his frustration and anger and sadness all cumulating in a storm of fury, ready to explode.
"Nico, I'm sorry. Okay?" You floated toward him and grabbed his hands. "I just thought you'd want a party. I always wanted to give you one but then, well," you gestures to yourself sadly. Nico hiccuped.
"Do you really not like it here?" Nico whispered, putting his arms around you. Being a son of Hades, he could summon you and was the only person who could physically touch you.
"I... I don't know. I miss it all so much, it's like the best torture imaginable. You watch your friends and family go on without you, or you watch them fall apart. Seeing people grow old and die without you," you sighed. "I hate it."
Nico nodded slowly, then hugged you close. You let yourself melt into his embrace and snuggled into his shoulder.
"I'll let you go. You don't deserve this," Nico murmured into your hair, making your heart swell. Well, it felt like it.
"You will? You would do that for me?" You whispered, staring up into his eyes. He smiled weakly at you.
"Of course, (y/n). Just say the word, and I'll send you back."
You beamed at him and started to wrap your arms around his neck. Nico's eyes widened in surprise when you kissed him, but you felt his body relax and he soon kissed you back like he was never going to see you again. Which he probably wouldn't.
"I'm ready to go now, Nico," you sobbed, brushing his cheek with your pale, ghostly hand.
"Goodbye, (y/n)." He let go of you and closed his eyes.
"Bye, Nico. Happy birthday."

Aaaaaaand, that's a rap!
Thanks for reading my stories, some of them were pretty randomly strange, but whatever. Any questions or comments are encouraged!
Keep on reading :)

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