Book Lovers (Part Two)

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Aaron and Nico had been talking for nearly an hour. 

Nico learned that Aaron had slammed his book shut because he was very angry that the book was finished. Nico gave him some suggestions for new books and series'. They discusses politics, religion, and the importance of eating breakfast. 

"I went to Germany for a choir contest and they hardly have breakfast. Just some bread and cheese," Aaron recalled. When he spoke he remained remarkably still, unlike Nico, who made frantic gestures at every word. "But they had these big amazing lunches that were soooo good." 

"I don't know if I could do that. I love cinnamon rolls and pancakes too much," Nico sighed. "Breakfast food is the best food." Aaron nodded in agreement, a small grin playing on his lips. His eyes crinkled in the corners when he laughed; Nico found it to be quite adorable. After a bit of silence, Nico stood up and grabbed his tea mug and book. "Hey, Aaron, would you like to come eat some cinnamon rolls with me?" Aaron hopped up from his own chair, grabbed his own belongings and nodded vigorously. 

"There's this great little place just down the street-" Aaron started,

"With big wide windows-" Nico continued,

"And really good coffee-"

"Such good cinnamon rolls!"

The boys looked at each other curiously. 

"Are you talking about Cool-"

"Cool Bean?!" Nico finished excitedly. What a coincidence that they were in love with the same café! Aaron's whole face broke out in a grin; Nico did the same. They continued through the library, chatting about favorite meals and drinks at their same favorite place. For Nico, it was a dream come true. Some stranger beautiful boy who enjoys books also enjoyed his company? The day couldn't possibly get any better. 

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