An event to remember (part 2)

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"Okay. Either they're monsters, or they're actually gods. Which one is more likely?" Nico asked sarcastically and you scowled at him.
"If they were monsters, wouldn't they have killed us already?" You said. You didn't want your favorite boy band to be made up of a bunch of monsters that wanted to kill you. 
"I don't know, (y/n). I don't trust them is all, and I don't want you to get hurt. So if you really want to talk to them after this, then I'm coming with you," Nico nodded and stopped talking. You sighed and sat back in your chair and let the last few songs of the concert flow through your ears, unconsciously bobbing your head and tapping your foot to the beat.

When the concert was over, the four gods glanced at you and walked off the stage, making you uneasy.
You stood up and grabbed Nico's sleeve.
"C'mon, Nico! If they're gods, I want to talk to them, if they're monsters we have to get rid of them. Everyone here could be in danger!" You exclaimed and together you ran backstage, showing some people some badges, and eventually ending up at the Stars' dressing room.
You knocked hesitantly, and the door instantly swung open. A hand shot put and grabbed your collar, pulling you into the room, and you tugged on Nico's arm so he would follow you.

"Well, well, well. The curious demigod comes again! Welcome, my dear," Apollo said warmly. You squinted at him in disbelief, you heard someone sigh.
"Hello, (y/n). This is awkward. When we made this band we never thought about having our children be our fans," Poseidon groaned as he walked over to you.
You swallowed nervously and looked at your supposed father.
"D-Dad?" You stuttered. The gods chuckled at your confusion. The tall boy with sea blue eyes grinned, and you noticed how much he looked like Percy. He morphed into his familiar form, with his sandals and Hawaiian shirt. You wanted to hug him, but you couldn't understand what was holding you back.
"(Y/n), don't do anything rash, alright?" Nico whispered, his eyes darting between you and Hades.
"What's wrong, my boy? I thought you would recognize me," Hades said, amused. He spread his arms out, waiting for a hug.
Nico stared at him in shock.
"Are you kidding me? Even if you were my father, I wouldn't give you a hug. You're the reason my life sucks!" Nico yelled at the other dark haired boy. Nico drew his sword and pulled you behind him protectively.
"Don't do anything rash, (y/n)," you mimicked and Apollo laughed.
"Calm down, (y/n)! I'll protect you! Do not freak out,whatever you do!" Nico shrieked, making you smack your forehead.
Eventually everyone was snickering at Nico's overreacting.
"Ugh, ok. Let's just get this over with," Hades said, popping his neck and jumping from one leg to the other. He jumped up and grinned when he hit the floor, creating a force of air that knocked you over, Nico helped you up. Bright flames erupted from Hades' silhouetted figure and you squeaked, grabbing Nico's arm.
"Do you remember me, now, Nico?" A low voice said from the dark figure. A burst of fog shot out from the form, and a man in a nice suit walked towards you with a small smile.
"Hey, dad," Nico whispered. You waved at the sleek man in front of Nico timidly.  He nodded his head at you.
"How touching. Family reunion. Thank goodness that none of our children are fans," Hephaestus said happily, beaming at the two demigods huddled by the door way, and the two gods that stood awkwardly on the other side of the room.
"Actually..." You bit your lip and smiled. "It was the Hephaestus cabin that introduced me to the band. Most of the campers love the new CD, in fact, lots of kids were at the concert," you giggled at their expressions. Apollo an Hephaestus rose their eyebrows and and gaped at each other.
"I would have thought it would be the Apollo Cabin! They of all people should be listening to our melodious songs! But still, that's weird to think about. We need to break up. Like, immediately," Apollo said. Hephaestus nodded vigorously.
"Good idea," cheered Poseidon.
"Fantastic idea. It's not like I thought of that months ago," Hades rolled his eyes.

I had an idea for this story, but then I had no idea where I was going with it. If you could give suggestions, that would be super appreciated!

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