Book Lovers

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So, I've realized with these NicoXReader stories that they're pretty much all girls. I'm really sorry guys, and this story is going to be different. Enjoy!

Nico sat in the corner of the library sipping some now lukewarm tea. He had stopped at a small coffee shop along the way and tried something that Annabeth had dubbed as her "Concentration Bliss". It was bitter and earthy and Nico loved it. The tea was exactly what he needed while trying to decipher the language of Shakespeare for a school project. 

Nico's professor had assigned his class to read and analyze a copy of Romeo and Juliet. Apparently, adults believed that every college student could relate to the heartbreak and hopelessness that was Romeo and Juliet. All Nico could get out of it was that some really young girl got laid by a much older guy and that in this day and age you could go to jail for that shit. 

As he sat on one of the library's couches, Nico observed the people around him. There was a young girl, but maybe only a little younger than him searching around in the Y.A section. A small boy and his mother talked about train books. An older boy was deeply invested in a book a few seats over. Nico sighed. Very few people came to the library anymore, and it saddened him that so many kids his age would rather go smoke pot in the parking lot then read a good book. 

Nico took another sip of his tea. He returned to his book and finished off the last few pages of Romeo and Juliet, then suddenly, to his left, someone slammed their book shut and Nico yelped. He looked over and saw the older boy glaring at his book with so much emotion that it was hard to even guess what was going on. While other annoyed people shook their heads and went along book searching, Nico took a closer look at the boy. 

He was really quite cute. He had dark glasses that brought out his vivid blue eyes and a cornflower blue shirt that did the same. His blond hair looked as if it had been slicked back once, but his hands were now running though it and making it stick out in odd ways. The boy looked up from his book cover and his gaze met Nico's. Nico didn't want to look away from this beautiful stranger boy. He grabbed his book and tea, stood up, and sauntered over to him. 

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" Nico asked, gesturing toward the seat right next to the blond boy. The boy smiled and shook his head. Nico gingerly set his tea down on a small table next to the chair and flopped down in the seat. The blond boy went back to staring at his book cover. 

"Giovanni's Room," Nico said, reading the cover. "I've heard that's a good one." 

The boy looked up. Up close, Nico could see dark bags under his eyes that almost looked like bruises. The boy had lips that needed chapstick. His face looked like it had been sunburned recently. 

"I really enjoyed it," the blond boy said. He had a lovely voice and Nico wondered if the blond boy sang. 

"Do you sing?" Nico blurted out. The blond boy's eyes crinkled in the corners as he laughed.

"I'm a tenor in Mrs. Bahn's concert choir over at the college." Blond boy offered his hand to Nico. "I'm Aaron. Aaron Williams."

Nico shook his hand and introduced himself as well. Aaron described his musical life and how his parents had mostly forced him into his first choir class in middle school. He learned to love it and yearned to be a singer when he was older. He also loved animals. 

"I think I'll be a veterinarian, and do singing on the side. Vets make some good money, you know," Aaron said. "What do you plan on doing with your life?"

Nico laughed a bit. "I was thinking about being a funeral home director person."

Aaron shrugged and smiled a bit. "Somebody has to do it."

Nico really liked Aaron. 

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