Chapter 6

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Ruby smiled as she was lead by Alfred to their mystery date. She held his hand and closed her eyes. "Can you give me a hint as to where we are going?" she whispered.

Alfred smiled and looked back at her. "Well, I told you not to wear a dress or a skirt. Isn't that enough a good enough hint?"

Ruby pouted and looked at him. "Alfie, no. Where are we going?"

He smiled and brought her to the corner and covered her eyes. "You'll see." He lead her a few more blocks and uncovered her eyes. "Surprise." 

Ruby opened her eyes and smiled big. "Alfie!" She giggled and hugged him. Alfred had taken her to Skyzone, indoor trampoline place. She dragged him in and Alfred bought their socks and passes.

They jumped for an hour and a half and had lots of fun. After their time was up, Alfred brought her to a local pizzeria and they had dinner together. Alfred paid for it too, despite Ruby protesting that they split the bill. 

At 10 o'clock, they walked back to Ruby's house. Skai and Marci watched them from their bedroom window. "They're so cute..." "Yeah, just like us." Marci giggled at her comment. "Just kiss me." Skai smiled and kissed her. 

Down on the porch, Alfred and Ruby sat on the swing, holding hands and watching the road. Alfred kissed her head and sighed. "I should be getting home... my mom's gonna get worried...." 

Ruby nodded and looked at him. "Alfred, thank you so much for tonight... I had so much fun..." 

He smiled and nodded. "Me too..." He got up and looked at her. "I'll text you later."

She nodded and watched him leave. She walked in and let out a happy sigh. She walked up to her mothers and flopped on their bed. She smiled at them and giggled.

Skai smiled and broke the kiss and looked at her. "Hello, dear. Did you have fun on your date? Where did you go?"

Ruby smiled and sat up and faced them. "We had a lot fun... We went to Skyzone and then we got some pizza." She whispered and gave them back the money she borrowed. She went to her room and changed into pjs and took off her makeup. She went back to her mothers and nuzzled into them. "I really like him, mom..." 

Marci smiled and held her daughter close. "I can tell, you glow whenever you're with him." 

Ruby smiled and slowly fell asleep. Skai kissed her head and tucked her into bed with them. The three girls slept together and all slept peacefully.

My One, My Only, My... Middle School Boyfriend?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant