Chapter 2

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By the end of the day, the news of Ruby and Alfred had spread throughout the entire grade. The even had a few shippers. Still, all of the girls were jealous of Ruby for getting Alfred, and all of the boys vice-versa. No one thought that Ruby would ever get a boyfriend (she was very particular). And no one ever thought that Ruby would date the new kid.

When the last bell rang, Alfred went over to Ruby's locker.

"Hey Alfie. What's up?" She asked, giving him a gentle hug.

"Hey Ruby. Guess what happened to me today in gym." He replied.

"What happened?"

"Well, we're doing the football unit now, and the football coach saw me when I was tossing around the ball."


"He asked me to join the team and I said yes!"

"Congrats, Alfie!" she gave him a big hug.

"Thanks, Ruby. Also, I was wondering..."

"Wondering what?"

"If you wanted to come over to my house and do homework. And when we're done, we can do something else."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. I just gotta call my mom, so she doesn't get worried about where I am."

"That's understandable."

By the time they got to Alfred's house, Ruby had called her mom.

"What time are you gonna get picked up?" Alfred asked, holding the front door open for her.

"About 9 o'clock." She replied, walking through the door into the living room.

"Ok. Oh, and can you cover your ears for a sec?"

"Uh, sure." She covered her ears tightly.

"I'M HOME! AND I GOT A GIRL WITH ME!" Alfred screamed.

Ruby's ears were ringing when she uncovered her ears.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"Watch." He said, pulling her away from the hallway. "You'd better stay back here."

Within a few seconds, a smaller boy, a man, and a woman came speeding into the hall.

"Where is she? What's her name?" the boy asked.

"Matt, introductions first." Alfred said, shaking his head.

"Right, sorry." replied the boy. He stepped forward and shook Ruby's hand. "Hi, I'm Matt. I'm gonna be 10 on the 1st." He had blonde hair and violet eyes. He was wearing a red Canada sweatshirt. His jeans looked fairly new, except for the grass stains on the knees. His hair was long, about chin length. There was a little curl that dangled in front of his face, sort of covering up his glasses. "And this is Kumajuiro, my stuffed polar bear." He said as he held up a little polar bear toy.

"He's cute. Does he bite?" Ruby asked.

"He doesn't bite, but I wouldn't suggest getting too close to him until he warms up to you." Matt replied, hugging Kumajuiro tightly.


The woman stepped forward and shook her hand. "My name's Olivia." She had blonde hair with two pigtails that were held up by light blue bows. She had on a blue frilly dress with a white apron over it. The apron had two pockets on the front with light blue hearts on them that matched her bows. She had blue shoes and black stockings.

"I like your dress." Ruby commented.

"Really? I just found it in an old box about a week ago." Olivia brushed off some dust from the dress.

The man was the last to step forward. "I'm Francis." His blonde hair was long and silky, and his violet eyes shone in the light. His clothes weren't the most modern, but they were very stylish. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, no. the pleasure's all mine." Ruby replied, blushing a bit.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Matt asked, standing on his tip-toes.

Ruby blushed intensely, and so did Alfred.

"What? Where'd you get an idea like that?" Alfred stuttered.

Ruby looked at him with a puzzled look.

Alfred glanced at the wall clock. "Oh, is that the time? Come on, Ruby. Let's go to my room to do some homework" he nervously managed to say, dragging Ruby into his room.

"Huh? What? Oh, yeah." She grabbed her backpack and followed Alfred upstairs. "See you at dinner, I guess!" she yelled to the rest of the family before going into Alfred's room and closing the door.

"That was close." Alfred let out a sigh of relief, flopping onto his bed.

"Ok, spill. What was that all about?" Ruby asked, sitting down next to him.

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"Why'd you get so nervous when Matt asked if I was your girlfriend? I am your girlfriend, right?"

"Well, technically not yet. We haven't gone on a date yet."

"True. But answer my first question."

"Oh yeah, that. Um-ah, how do I put this?"

"Alfie." she put her hand on his. "You can tell me anything."

"Ok. Don't get mad, but I don't want to tell my family about us dating.

"Why is that?"

"Well, I'm not sure how to tell them. And I'm not sure how they'll take it." He sat up. "How are you gonna tell your folks? How do you think they'll react?"

Ruby thought for a minute and replied, "I'm not sure how I'll tell 'em, yet. But I think I might know how they'll react."


"Well, my mom will want you over for dinner. But my mama might want to have a talk with you, just to make sure you won't do anything bad to me. She's a little over-protective."

Alfred just sat there, stunned.

"Did you just say 'mom' and 'mama'?" he stuttered.

Ruby nodded. "My parents are lesbian."

"So, when did you-?"

Ruby cut him off. "I'd rather not talk about it. We got homework to do. Should we start on math?"

"Yeah, sure." He got out his textbook. "What page was it on?"

"Page 132."

"Right." He flipped to the page and put the book between them on the floor.

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