Chapter 5

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That Friday, the day seemed to drag on and on and on. But, finally, the last bell rang. When she had finished packing up, Ruby went over to Alfred's locker.

"Hey, Alfie." She said, leaning against the locker next to his. "Do you want to walk home again? Or should we go to our own houses and you can pick me up later?"

"Hey, Ruby." He replied. "How about I walk you home, and then I pick you up later?"

"That sounds like a great idea. Let's go."

Throughout the whole walk to Ruby's house, they were holding hands. When they got to her house, Alfred told Ruby, "Hey, Ruby. Do me a favor and don't wear a dress or a skirt, ok?"

"Um, sure. But why?" she asked.

"Oh, no reason. I'll see you at 6!"

"See ya!"

By the time it was 6, Ruby had gone through enough stress to last her a week. Since she was an only child, she didn't have anyone to give her any advice. Marci, her mom, and Skai, her mama, tried to calm her down, but Ruby was just too stressed. She didn't know what to wear, what to do, what to say, nothing.

She looked through her closet thoroughly and managed to find a pair of light wash, skinny jeans and a baby-pink top that she liked. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Ruby gasped, she wasn't ready. She put on her mama knee-high boots and her mom earrings. She walked to the front door and opened it.

Alfred was standing on the top step. "Hey Ruby. Wow, you look beautiful." He said.

Ruby blushed lightly. "Thanks."

"I got you these." He handed her a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh, thank you. These are beautiful. Why don't you come in? I need to put these in a vase."


Ruby went to the kitchen. "You can sit on the sofa and wait for me. I'll only be a little bit."

"Ok." Alfred said as he sat down on the sofa.

Ruby's moms had been watching the whole thing from the dining room. They walked into the living room and sat on the chairs that were across from the sofa that Alfred was sitting on.

"Hello." Marci started. "I'm Marci and this is Skai. We're Ruby's moms. She calls me mom, and Skai mama. I'm Ruby's biological mother. "

"Oh, hello." Alfred replied, trying to be polite. "My name's Alfred. I guess I'm Ruby's date for tonight. Um, not to be rude, but could you please give me some pointers? This is my first date, and I'm really nervous."

"This is your first date too?" asked Skai.


"Yes, this is Ruby's first date as well."

"Wow, I would have expected her to have gone on many dates. I mean, she's so beautiful."

"Well, she is rather picky." Marci added. "But don't worry, you'll do fine. Where are you going to be taking Ruby tonight?"

"I was going to take her to that new sky zone so we can bounce for a bit. And if we have time after, I was going to take her to the pizza parlor for a slice of pizza, my treat of course."

"Wow. That's more than what we did on our first date." Skai commented as she held Marci's hand.

"And I'll have her back home by 9 o'clock." Alfred added.

"Oh no, not that early. Keep her out until at least 10 o'clock." Marci remarked.

"Really?" Alfred and Skai asked in unison.

"Really." Marci reassured them. "Our little Ruby's growing up. She needs more freedom."

"If you say so." Alfred said. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Me neither." Added Skai.

Ruby came out from the kitchen. "I'm ready." She said, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

Marci and Skai looked at her. They walked up to Ruby.

"My shoes..." said Skai.

"And my earrings." Added Marci. Skai's eyes teared up. They hugged her and said in unison, "Our baby girl's growing up!"

Ruby blushed as red as her hair. "M-mama! Mom! Stop! You're embarrassing me."

They let go of her. "Sorry."

Alfred smiled and held out his hand. "Come on, Ruby."

Ruby took his hand and nodded. "Bye mama. Bye mom."

"Have fun you two." Skai said, wiping her tears.

"We will, bye." Said Ruby as she and Alfred left. They walked down the street and around the corner. "So where are we going?"

Alfred looked at her and smiled. "You'll see."

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