Chapter 9

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~TIME SKIP TO SIX MONTHS IN THE FUTURE (that's March for all you people keeping count) BECAUSE I CAN ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Ruby yawned as she sat up in her bed. She looked at her calendar and gasped. Today was her and Alfred's six month anniversary.  She ran to her closet and put on a white, knee length dress with small blue spots and Mary Jane flats. She went downstairs and got breakfast ready, sighing as she heard her mother throwing up in the bathroom. They had found out that Skai was pregnant with twin boys, which came as a surprise to everyone. They had to move into a new house, still in town, that had an extra room that would be the boys room. 

Ruby liked the new house better than her old one. Here, she had a bigger room with a double closet and her own bathroom. It also helped that it was closer to both the school and Alfred. She took the breakfast and brought it up and put it on her mothers' dresser. She went back down and got the drinks and the anti-nausea medicine and brought it up. 

Marci saw her and smiled softly. "Thank you so much, princess. You've been a big help with your mother's pregnancy and the move." 

Ruby smiled and nodded. "I just wanna help. I'm gonna spend the day with Alfie today. I'm gonna have my phone on me."

Marci nodded and gave her some money. "If you want to go anywhere far, call me and I'll drive you two."

Ruby nodded and put the money in her wallet and grabbed an over-the-shoulder bag and put it on. "Thanks." She went into the bathroom and hugged Skai. "Are the boys still giving you a hard time?"

Skai giggled and kissed her head. "Yeah, but I don't mind." She whispered and put her hand on her stomach. "I know how your mother felt when she was pregnant with you, now... Pregnancy is amazing.... Well, aside from the morning sickness, moodiness, and huge stomach, I love it when the boys kick..."

Ruby smiled and rubbed her stomach. "I like it too... I hope they like it here..." 

Skai smiled and kissed her head. "They'll love it. They're going to have you as a big sister."

Ruby smiled and nodded. "I'm excited and nervous. Alfred said I can help him babysit his little brother so i can get used to it." 

Skai nodded and giggled. "That sounds fun. Wait, aren't you supposed to be at the park now?"

Ruby looked at the clock and gasped. "I'm late!" She got up and ran out the front door, bolting to the park. 

Marci went to Skai and kissed her. "Want some help getting up?" Skai nodded and Marci helped her up and to the nursery. Skai smiled and held Marci's hand. The room was decorated to look like a farm with a small field, stable, and wheat mill. There was a small stuffed cow available for one boy and a pig available for the other. 

"Marci..." Skai whispered. "Will I be a good mother...?"

Marci looked into her eyes and nodded. "You did a good job when it was us raising Ruby."

Skai sighed and looked away. "I mean like a good birth mother... You did most of the mothering with Ruby... You had to feed her and birth her and you took most of the nights and-"

Marci cut her off with a gentle kiss. She slowly pulled away and smiled at her. "You'll be a perfect mother. I'll teach you how to breastfeed and I'll be with you through your whole labor, even if it winds up being a c-section." 

Skai smiled and nuzzled into her. "You always know just what to say..." She whispered. 

Marci giggled and brought her to their room and helped her lay on the bed. She got the baby headphones and put them on her stomach and played music. The twins calmed down and the two mothers cuddled and thought of names for the twins.

Meanwhile, Ruby had managed to get to the park. She fixed her hair and walked to the spot where the two had agreed to meet up, In the gazebo next to the pond. She sat on one of the gazebo benches and waited for him. 

5, 10, 15 minutes passed and still no sign of Alfred. Ruby bit her lip and sent him the tenth text in the last ten minutes. She saw him running to the gazebo and stood up. "What the hell took you so long? You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago."

Alfred panted and sat on the bench. "Sorry... Mattie lost Kumajuiro and then I went to your old house by accident."

Ruby smiled a bit and kissed his head. "You're forgiven, but now we can scrap the cupcakes..." 

Alfred shook his head and kissed her nose. "You're getting treated like a princess, we're getting you your cupcakes."

Ruby giggled and nodded. "Come on, let's go."

Alfred smiled and got up. He had on a white polo and khaki shorts. He held Ruby's hand and kissed it as they walked. Ruby blushed and smiled. 

In the middle of their lunch, Ruby got a text from her mom. 

"Your mother's not feeling too good, I'm taking her to the doctor's just to be safe. This will probably take us the rest of the day and maybe into tomorrow. You know where the spare key is. You can have Alfred over, but no upstairs." 

Ruby bit her lip and texted back.

"OK. Tell mama I love her."

Alfred looked at her. "Who is it?" 

Ruby sighed and locked her phone. "It's my mom. Mama's not feeling good so they're going to the doctors."

He nodded and looked at her. "After dinner, do you wanna go to your house? We can watch a movie or something."

Ruby smiled and nodded. "Sure." 

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