Chapter 4

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"I'm stuffed. That was delicious, Olivia." Ruby said after she finished her third portion.

"I'm glad you liked it. It's actually not that hard to make. I could give you the recipe, if you'd like." Olivia  suggested.

"Oh, please do."

Alfred tapped Ruby's shoulder. "Want to watch a movie?"

She wiped her mouth. "Sure. What movie?"

Alfred looked at his dad. "Dad? Where's the box of movies?"

"In the living room, the one right next to the sofa." He replied.


Ruby and Alfred put their plates in the sink and went over to the box.

"What kind of movie do you wanna watch?" Alfred asked, looking through the box.

"Call me cliche, but do you have any romance movies?" she asked.

"Don't know if this counts as romance, but do you wanna watch 'History of The World'?"

"By Mel Brooks?"

"Have you seen this before?"

"Only about 20 times."

"And you still love to watch it?"

"Yeah. Should we watch it in the living room?"

"Let's watch it in my room. We still got a little more homework to do."

"Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about that."

"Should I make some popcorn?" Alfred asked, heading towards the kitchen.

"If you want some, I'm fine either way."

"I'll make some. We might get hungry later."

"Ok. I'll be in your room when you're done." She told him, walking up the stairs with the movie in hand.

When they were done with their homework and when the movie ended, the two of them alone had gone through 4 bowls of popcorn and 2 liters of soda. After the movie, they went downstairs for some ice-cream. Ruby's impressions were so funny, that some ice-cream came out of Alfred's nose. At quarter to 9, Alfred and Ruby started to walk to Ruby's house.

"Alfie, what are we going to do?" Ruby asked with a serious tone in her voice.

"What do you mean?" Alfred asked.

"I mean, we're growing up too fast. It seems like it was just yesterday we were in Kindergarten learning our ABC's and 123's."

"Yeah, I guess. I thought moving was hard, but now that looks like icing on the cake. There are worse things in the world like war, bullying, acne."

She giggled a little. "True. You should see my nightly routine. I have to put on a pound of stuff and I still get pimples. That's why I have to wear makeup all of the time."

"Maybe that's why you're getting the pimples. The makeup you miss could get in your pores and clog them up."

"Maybe." She walked up the front steps of her house. "You know, if we go out on Friday, maybe I won't wear as much."

"That sounds like a great idea. I'll see you tomorrow in school." He said as he turned to walk back to his house.

"See you."

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