Chapter 12

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Ruby and Alfred sat at the table for a while, and before they knew it, it was dinner. Ruby looked up and bit her lip. "Damn... it's late... and Mom and Mama still aren't back yet..." She turned to Alfred. "Can you please stay with me? I get scared when I'm alone."

Alfred smiled and kissed her head. "Of course, my love. Let me just tell my parents so they know." Ruby nodded and got up and started to make dinner, a box of pasta and homemade bread sticks. Alfred got up and went into the living room and called his mom. Olivia came a few minutes with pjs for Alfred and a blanket she crocheted for Ruby. Ruby thanked her and hugged her. Olivia smiled and hugged back. 

Alfred looked outside and saw Mattie sitting in the car in his Cars pajamas. "Why is Mattie in the car?" He asked. 

Olivia pulled away and looked at him. "He got invited to a sleepover at a friend's house." Alfred nodded and went outside to talk to him. The girls watched him and Olivia smiled. "He's such a good big brother." She whispered. Ruby smiled and nodded. 

Ruby sat on the sofa and pat the seat next to her, Olivia sitting there. "Olivia..." She whispered. "My mama went to the hospital today... I'm really nervous... I don't want anything to happen to the twins..." 

Olivia held her close and kissed her head. "Is your mom with her?" She asked, gaining a small nod from Ruby. "Then she'll be ok. The doctors will keep her healthy and your mom will keep her calm and sane." 

Ruby sighed and nodded. "Yeah... She's gonna be ok... I just haven't gotten a text back in an hour-ish and I was getting scared."

"That's understandable. When I was very pregnant with Matthew, I got the flu... everyone was scared for the both of us. When he was born, the flu caused something to go wrong in his brain, so he doesn't grow as fast as he should... He's the size of a second grader even though he's a fourth grader... and his eye sight was damaged which caused his development to be delayed too. We have to put him in a special school because we don't want him to get bullied or feel like the odd one out."

Ruby looked up at her. "You're telling me he's not a second grader?"

Olivia looked at her and giggled. "No, his 10th birthday is in about two months." Ruby nodded and then looked at the boys outside, smiling at Alfred. Olivia smiled and got up. "We should get going, we don't want to keep his friend waiting." Ruby nodded and they walked outside, Olivia getting in the car. 

Mattie's eyes sparkled when he saw Ruby. "Ruby! Ruby!" he called. "How are you mommies? How are your baby brothers?"

Ruby smiled and went to the car, messing up Mattie's hair. "They're all ok. My mama is going to a doctor's appointment so your big brother is staying with me so I won't get lonely." Mattie smiled and nodded. 

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