Chapter 20 - The Nightly Visit

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Chapter 20 – The Nightly Visit

Gabby woke up to the sound of a loud buzz. It was in the middle of the night, and her phone was having spasms on the table. She rolled over. The music was still blasting from her earplugs, which had fallen out. She flinched when the bright light from her screen blinded her.

The notification bar showed countless of texts and missed calls. Geez. Someone must have missed her a great deal.

There were some from Danni, asking where Gabby was since she wasn’t at school. Apparently Danni had waited. One of them mentioned that Peter had asked her out—Gabby skimmed it before quickly pressing delete.

She stared at her phone. Why had she deleted it? Groaning, she rubbed her eyes. There was no reason why she would be obsessing like this. She didn’t even like Peter. And she was happy that Danni was moving on. That had been the plan all along.

Peter had sent a few messages about how urgent it was that they talked. He hadn’t mentioned about what, just that it was important. Gabby shrugged. He must have found something to occupy his time with since the messages stopped after a while.

Then there were the last messages. Gabby couldn’t count them—they filled up her inbox. She skimmed over them, but had to re-read most. They made no sense. They were commanding her not to talk to anyone before she’d talked to him. He said he wanted to ask her something of uttermost importance. The newest ones were he begged her to get in touch. Scratching her head, she looked at the time. It was past four am—he could wait until tomorrow.

She had barely finished that thought before her phone started to vibrate.

“Yeah?” she answered.

“Ah. Finally! Gabby, where are you?” Damien asked. He sounded out of breath, and it was hard to distinguish the words because of something blowing on the mouthpiece.

“It’s past four am, Damien—I’m in my bed,” she replied. Then she added, “Are you outside?”

“I know the time—I’ve been staring at the clock four hours while trying to get a hold of you,” he said. “Yeah. I’m out walking.”

“At this time?” she asked.

“Yes. Why didn’t you answer before?”

“Because I was sleeping. You know… That thing normal humans do when it’s night.” She rolled her eyes. “Damien, what’s this all about? Can’t it wait?”

“Didn’t you read my texts? I need to talk to you.” Gabby could hear a car pass by him.

“Then talk—I’m here.”

“There’s no way I’m doing this over the phone, Gabby. I’m at your street. Just open up your window and I’ll climb up.”

“Wait. You can’t—“

He hung up before she could finish her sentence. Staring at the phone in confusion, she looked between the screen and the window. What the hell was he thinking?

She walked over to her window and opened it. Staring out into the darkness, she could see his figure walking down the sidewalk. He didn’t live particularly close, and she wasn’t sure why he hadn’t just taken his car.

He waved with a smile and walked over to the downspouts. Gabby’s heart skipped a beat as she saw him climb, using it as support.

“Please just take the door, Damien. You’ll end up hurting yourself that way,” she whispered.

“I’m pretty sure your dad is going to hurt me more if he finds out I’m here,” he said.

Gabby had to agree—he had a valid point there. While her dad was one of the coolest people on earth, he could be extremely scary when it came to her and Danni.

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