Chapter 7

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Janes pov

I reached my parents house at 6. I stop the car outside the three story building.

Yeah Yeah, I'm that person to show up on the dot.

My childhood home

I brought Xan in the carseat and connected it with the buggy. I hang his bag on the pram before locking my car. Not one but if a struggle doing that. It was like I was born to do this.

I walk to the door and knocked.

A minute later, shuffling heard, feet stomping, my brothers open the door with my little sister in their hands.

"Hey sis" they all say at the same time.

"Ohhhhh is my baby here" I heard my mother as she came to the door.

"Ohhh my, who is this handsome baby belong to. Since when did you babysit?" my mother asked curiously.

"ummm a...acctally he is ummm he's mine. Surprise?" I said nervously just as Xan cooed.

"Ohhh my gosh! Who is the father I'm going to fucking kill the motherfucker." my brother shouts rolling up his sleeves showing his sleeve tattoos.

"calm down Aaron" I said rolling my eyes.

"can we please come in and I'll explain over dinner" I pleaded looking over at my dad who appeared at the door too because of the commotion out here.

"Okay kids lets go in for dinner" my mum ushed all of us into the kitchen.

She waited at the kitchen door and hugged me when they had all entered.

"Hello mama. You look beautiful as always." I greeted her.

"Aren't you the sweetest. Your glowing."

My mother and I always bonded so well. She was one the best supporters I've ever had.

We all sat down at the kitchen table. I picked Xan out of his pram and sat him on my lap making sure to support his neck. He was so busy looking around the table at the new faces who where all looking back at him.

"Okay so this little guy is mine" I paused looking around the table at their confused and shocked faces.

"His name is Xander Murry but you can call him Xan. Two days ago I went for a walk in the forest and while I was walking I heard him crying. I followed it then I found this little guy" I explained while softly rubbing Xans blonde hair.

"I took him to uncle Johnny and we didn't find his parents so he was going to put him up for adoption but I could not let that happen....."

"and so I adopted him as my own" I finished.

I looked around the table and of course my mums eyes were watering.

My dad looked so proud. Patricia was to busy playing with Xans small hands.

"ohhh my wonderful baby girl what a beautiful thing you did. Now hand over my grandson let me see him." she cooed.

I handed him over to her and he didnt cry.

Thank god they like him

"Wow he looks like you, are you sure he isn't yours" Cade commented.

We all laughed.

"He only has blue eyes like me, blonde hair like Patricia" I said smiling as Xan put his hand out to touch Cade.

Soon ma puts rice, salad, meat, vegetables, home-made bread and a baby bottle in front of me. We all prayed and dug in while I juggled Xan, his milk and my food.

For dessert we had apple pie with custard on top.

My favourite!

Cade, my dad, Patricia and Aaron were in the sitting room playing with Xan while me and my mother washed the dishes.


"yes ma?" I answered

"I am... No we all are proud of you. You gave that little boy a home, a family and love. That's the daughter I raised. I love you so much darling" my mom said looking at me

"thanks mama I love you too" I said about to cry as I hugged my mother.

Me and my mother were always close she is my role model. I want to be as amazing mother as she is.

I went to the sitting room to collect Xan. I changed his nappy and began to prepare him for our trip home.

"Your going so soon" my little sister pouts.

"Yeah patty cakes. I didn't bring enough things for us to sleepover. But we will another time." I smiled.

They helped me place everything into my car as I strapped Xan into the car.

"Don't forget to bring my grandson over to visit every week" my mother said as she waved goodbye

"I won't don't worry, I love ye all. See you guys soon" I said starting the car.

I then began my journey home with my sweet little blabbering baby.

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